The Prom, the Purse and the Lady

The Prom, the Purse and the Lady

Last time we met here, I left you with two photos that I said I would Identify when I came back from my little sojourn from the BLOG.  Here’s some answers for you.  Several months ago, my granddaughter told me that she planned to make her prom dress.  Since she was a senior in high school, I thought there should be a special accessory for her prom dress.  So I asked her if she would like to have a purse in fabric, matching her dress, with a machine embroidered embellishment.  She was delighted.  I had found a pattern that I thought I could manage, and began the thinking and planning process.  I wrote to her and gave her the choice of many ME designs to choose from, and she sent me a sample of her dress fabric.  A while before I purchased the fabric that matched her dress fabric, I found some less expensive satin, in a similar color and set about to see if I could manage the ME design.  I worked on the purse for nearly three weeks, striving for perfection, and dealing with a less than perfect pattern.  A lot of frog stitching went on during that time. 

The first photo was on the previous BLOG, showing completed purse front with quilting and piping edge.   The second photo is Kasey on Prom night with her matching purse.  The third is Kasey in her dress.

           Two photos taken from Facebook.

I really don’t mean this to be a travelog, but since I have been away from ATG BLOGs for a while, I just thought I’d fill you in on some of my adventures. As you see, Kasey went to her Senior Prom.  I am happy to say that Kasey has inherited the sewing gene from her Mom and Grandmother.  Kasey designed and made her prom dress.  Being the proud grandma that I am, I rewarded her with the purse mentioned above. 

We have planned for many months to attend her graduation.  So, on May 23, we left Alabama in our motor home and traveled to Illinois.  On Memorial Day, May 25, we watched Kasey march in the Memorial Day parade while directing her high school band as Drum Major.  She has held that title for two years and this was our first opportunity to see what a great job she has done. 


Since we are there, and I have the photos, why not show two of the Jr. High band members, Kasey’s sister and brother, Kelli and Nathanael, and who can forget Savannah, the little observer.  I don't want to leave anyone out.


Lots of events followed that fun day.  (too numerous to mention here).  But the Crowning events were Kelli’s 8th grade graduation and Kasey’s High School Graduation.
Kelli is wearing the dress she made, herself, for her graduation.


My main point in telling about these events is to say that anyone can sew.  Thus far, my two daughters and three of my five granddaughters can sew.  Recently, my granddaughter, Lauren made two pioneer-era dresses for an event she participated in this summer. They all do a wonderful job.  Two granddaughters and a grandson are still to learn and enjoy the art of sewing.  I have no fear that all three can do it if they choose.  Gender doesn’t matter, either.  I’m sure that my grandson can sew too, when and if he chooses.  Maybe he has.  I just don’t know it.

Thanks to all of you for reading LaRueSews.  I have heard from a few that they have waited for my return.  Next time, I’ll share with you the quilt I made Kasey to take to college and for Kelli’s 8th grade graduation and tell you how to bind a quilt.

My intention is to continue writing to you about quilting.  It has been eleven months since I first began.  In the future, I really need your input about what you’d like me to write about.  Please, in your comments, give me your thoughts and ideas on topics for future BLOGs.

Stitches to you,

Comments (13) -

Hi LaRue,


WOW!!!! What an absolutely gorgeous dress!!! Is she planning on being a fashion designer, the purse is just beautiful also.  My, what a talented family you have.  I believe what you say about anyone can sew,it just depends on whether they want to, my daughter literally cannot sew a stitch, she just isn't interested and that is the whole crux of it, why learn to sew when mum can do it for you, I cannot remember not being able to sew, making all the clothes for my dolls by hand, then on a Singer Peter Pan chainstitch hand operated machine. After that my Nana's Singer treddle operated one, and then you know the story. We were never bored and very rarely had activities organised for us.


What a great story LaRue!  I am so happy that the sewing continues through generations.

I wish my daughter had an interest, but - - nothing.  Sewing a button is beyond her and  she likes it that way.  

Vada - you are so right, we were never bored.  We never had to go to the mall for entertainment.

Thanks LaRue for sharing this one.  Her dress is delicious!


For those of you reading this blog, let me tell you that the two ladies who have added their comments this time are two of my most faithful followers.  They are both right along with me every time I write.  Vada lives in Australia, and though I don't know much about her, she has become a good friend, both on the blog and by email.  Pat is also one of ATG bloggers, you probably know her already.  I met her in person at the ATG Community Circle.  I do so appreciate both of them and love them both.  They are great ladies.  Thank you both for your comments.

Stitches . .


bamafanalways 6/20/2009 8:43:13 PM

she did a great job on her prom outfit, my daughter now married- used to want to help me sew, now she just asks me to do it for her, I wish she would get the love of sewing like I have always had. Im in eastern Alabama myself, what area are you from?

I guess I am one of the fortunate ones who has been able to pass on the sewing gene.  My girls have been able to make cute clothes for their children, just as I did.  I am very thankful that they have the desire whenever they have time, as well as teaching their own.

I live near Alexander City, in Tallapossa county.  Can't say I'm a football fan however.  ;o)

Stitches . .


Hi LaRue,

My Daughter has Machine sewn since she was 8 years old.

She could knit from 41/2 years. I received a message from the hospital. (she was in for a very bad attack of croup), asking me to come up and pacify my child, who insisted she could knit. So I took her knitting up to her. the staff and visitors were amazed at her skill. she learned to crochet at 6 years. She helped me make dresses for her from 9 years. Then she made her own. In High school in year 8, she made her debut dress, although she could not wear it for 3 years when she made her debut. I had to drive her to school on sewing days, so she could transport it in a huge sheet bag.

she later cut it shorter and wore it for her wedding. She looked lovely and a bit different to most brides. She is 46 now and still sewing. I guess like mum like daughter.

I love your emails, keep them coming

Marian   Victor Harbor.    Australia.

Oh LaRue, you made tears spring to my eyes.

Hi Pat, What mall? we didn't have one. Back in those days Oz was about 20 years behind USA (I'm talking about the 50's) and when we did get one I wasn't allowed to go there just to hang out, my parents were very strict.


LaRue, I am honored to be counted as your friend!

Thank you for the interesting things you bring to our lives!


Marian, Hey, another friend in in Australia.  You and Vada should communicate.  Se how far apart you live, and tell the rest of us.

My older daughter was just like your daughter.  She is left handed, and I taught her to knit, righthanded when she was four  years old, because she wanted to learn.  I knew it would be harder to try to teach her the lefty way, later on.  She got pretty good, early, and then she taught herself lefty crochet when she was in elementary school.  Both of her girls now know how to knit, not sure about crochet.  It's gratifying to have kids who emulate their Moms and Dads.

Thanks for your most welcome comments, Vada and Pat.

Stitches . .


Great blog!  What beautiful children! Smile

You are famous!  A lady stopped my in the library and asked if my mom did a quilting blog?  She is a teacher at one of the schools in town and recognized the kids.

Keep up the great work!



That's cool.  I hear from time to time that people read it, even if there aren't a lot of comments here.  Good news travels . . .Fast?



Sorry I'm so late responding to your blog. Kasey's dress is absolutely gorgeous! And I'm sure your beautiful purse made the occasion even more memorable!.

I can't wait to see the quilts you made for your granddaughters.



Thank you so much for the compliments.  I passed it along to Kasey, too.  She'll appreciate it.  I need to get the girls to send better photos of their quilts, I forgot to take good ones while I was there.

Thanks for coming back each time.

Stitches . .


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