Embroidery on Rope

Check out one of the hottest trends in machine embroidery! I haven’t tried it yet, but this is on m [More]
The Avid Embroiderer Presents - NO TRICKS, just a TREAT! (aka Freebie)

The Avid Embroiderer Presents - NO TRICKS, just a TREAT! (aka Freebie)

I have been under the weather for an entire month. I spent 8 days in the hospital and been 3 more weeks trying to get my strength back. Each day I feel better, just a little, but no cigar for this one. I was tested for Covid-19 and fortunately was negative. I actually had a Septic infection (aka Blood Poisoning). I am just taking it one day at a time and hope to be 99,9% soon. 
This "blog" isn't a "blog."  Make your health an 'essential' worker. Without YOUR health, no one else can be cared for. 

My "Freebie" is a simple but very romantic embellishment. I did it in a dusty rose which I  find to be an underutilized and underappreciated color that is ubiquitous and 100% it is a color to give other colors a standout presentation. Hope you like it!

Thank you for joining me today. I hope to chat with you again, soon. Be safe & remember who you are protecting from the virus.

Comments (2) -

Thank you for this wonderful design.  I hope you feel much better very soon.  

Thank you KDLew. This was an elevation of my creative side. May you be blessed in ways you have not yet imagined.  


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