Embroidering On Velvet

A few weeks ago, many of you responded to my request for future blog topics. I’ve found your suggest [More]

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    I have begun to teach my new neighbor Savannah how to sew. For her firstproject, [More]
Free Standing Lace Christmas Ornaments Project

Free Standing Lace Christmas Ornaments Project

Decorate your Christmas tree or garland with this delightful free standing lace Christmas ornament. Click below for step by step instructions on how to embroider and sew your own FSL Christmas ornament. :
Design Pack:  https://www.annthegran.com/prd/packs/Starbird-Inc/FSL-Christmas-Ornaments/1/DPCD113012AA.aspx

Please click on pdf link below for complete Project Instructions:

Enjoy and please let us know in comments below what you think of this project. Thanks ! 

FSLChristmasOrnamentInstructions.pdf (382.1KB)

Comments (1) -

I bought a number of designs to make the seasonal lace wine glass charms, but cannot find the instructions? What do you use for the metal ring to attach it to the glass?

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