The Avid Embroiderer Presents - Is there too little tension in your life?

Note: items in green are specific information in machine embroidery.

Among the challenging things to learn in machine embroidery, tension is a concept you can really only get the 'hang of' via practice. To attempt to illustrate some methods of seeing tension in your mind's eye, here are three visual aids that just may help you on your journey. 

Some things that show up when tension is not correct are things like, broken thread, which can get jammed up in your machine, broken needles, extra or long loops on the top and/or bottom, AKA Birds Nests.  

The first picture is an oldie, but goodie! Personally, I had no idea about sewing versus embroidery tension. Here it is for your review. I don't remember where I got it many years ago, sorry to whoever created it.
IMHO, seeing that layout helps me to understand how embroidery is more vivid than sewing. Sewing involves the joining of pieces of fabric but embroidery stitches display colors in forms to create a design. Different methods for different requirements.

Then I recently saw this portrayal of tension that may make even more sense to you than the afore noted method. 
This visual was created by the staff at Hatch Embroidery Software, thank you for allowing me to use it.

When I first began machine embroidery in 2001, I assumed that adjusting the top tension was half of the equation. I thought adjusting the bobbin tension seemed likely the answer. As I look at this example, I am delighted that it answers each tension question. Decrease/increase, thread showing on top or bottom.

This photo is courtesy of

What I have created for you for your tension review is a 6 items check for your tests. 
  • The method is to use different threads, types, & weights. For instance, you may be using cotton, rayon, polyester, or metallic spools. 
  • Each of them will have a different tension requirement. 
  • Manufacturers can also have different methods of creating thread. 
  • You may use different weight threads. 

Do test the threads that you frequently buy. Knowing what you are working with is important.

Thanks again for joining me, it is a pleasure for me to write these blogs. Frankly, I always learn something myself. 

Pat, The Avid Embroiderer

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Get Organized and Save Money Doing It!

Get Organized and Save Money Doing It!

It's just a number on a calendar, but the new year usually brings with it a desire to regroup and reorganize.

Tired of looking for designs you know you have but can't locate? It just isn't any fun anymore. With the sheer number of embroidery designs amassed, the task of organizing them can be daunting without a plan. Fortunately, there are cataloging programs that help tremendously.

One thing that is constant across all platforms: You have to be able to see what the design looks like to know where it should be filed. File names alone are not always self-explanatory. If the file name is santa01.pes, that is one thing. But there isn't any way you can possibly know whether the XM3954.pes file is a design for a Christmas tree or a pink lizard without seeing the stitch-out image.

Both Catalog Xpress and CatalogIt! allow you to see design images before you file them. If the mere thought of creating an organizational structure for your embroidery designs makes you weak in the knees, both programs have folders already set up for you. Just drag and drop.

Catalog Xpress also permits you to colorize, convert, and re-size designs while CatalogIt! has an import wizard you can set up for aid in categorizing frequent file downloads.

Organizing embroidery designs into categories is a matter of personal preference. If you don't like the categories already created, you can easily rename what is there or add your own.

Benefits of Organizing Embroidery Designs

They are easier to find.

Did you ever sit down at the embroidery machine but left before ever turning it on because you couldn't find the file you wanted to stitch and lost interest? When kept in folders within a main design folder, you know exactly where to find your embroidery designs. You also save time by not having to search randomly.

You can weed out duplicates and free up storage space.

For one reason or another over the course of time, you can have the same stitch files with different names. By being able to see designs, the stitch counts, and thread colors on screen, you know if you are deleting the right file.

Backing up files is easier.

All embroidery designs should be backed up to prevent catastrophic loss in the event of computer failure. It is not a violation of copyright law to have an archival backup of embroidery designs. By cataloging files in folders by category, it's easy to back up (and restore) directories if your computer crashes or you get a new computer.

Add notes for future use or aid in searches.

Cataloging software allows users to add their own notes to the file, which show when the stitch order is printed out. Notes are also helpful when using search functions within the cataloging program. If you added a note such as "favorite teddy bear" to the notes section of your cataloging program, use that phrase in your search query to quickly find the design.

Try it FREE before you buy it.

Right now, Catalog Xpress is $30 off retail and CatalogIt! lists for $20 under retail. Check out their video demonstrations and, best of all, download and use them for 30 days free of charge to try them out. What do you have to lose?



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