Brighten Someone's Spirit with a Verse Lap Quilt

Quilts, whether large or small, can brighten the spirit and bring a bit of joy to those who need it in almost any situation.  Made with love and detailed with words of comfort, Susan Osborn shows us how a simple but heartfelt project can help make the days a little better for others.  Surely a gift such as this is what quilting is all about.

Susan's Description

I call them “Lap Comforts” as they are especially for people who, for one reason or another, have to remain seated for much of their day. The lap comfort keeps one’s knees and lap warm while the verses are a comfort to read--which one is able to do no matter which end is up. Two rows of designs face each end of the cover.


Step By Step 

I use the machine embroidery designs from "God’s Gifts for You", found here at AnnTheGran. There are 36  in the set, I chose 12.  Other designs with meaningful messages or Asian characters with meanings would do fine.  Fussy cuts of printed fabric might also be used.


Materials: 12 blocks embroidered with messages½ yard for sashings and border 1 yard backing

1 yard flannel or other batting


 I cut my blocks at 6 ½ inches square; the sashings are cut 6 ½ x 2 inches for eight of them for the vertical, and 21 and a half by 2 inches for three of them for the horizontal.  The borders are cut as wide as you like for the size of the finished piece.  I cut mine 3 and a half inches wide, 28 and a half long for the sides, 26 and a half long for the top and bottom.  Yours may vary.   Join rows with the sashings making sure that two rows of designs are right side up from each end.  Use quarter inch seams.  Sew on borders, sides first and then the top and bottom.   I used flannel for the batting and for the backing, right sides facing and sewed all but an opening to turn it right side out.  Sew opening closed.  I tacked each intersection and where the sashings meet the border with a machine stitched heart.  


What Makes This Project Special 

This project is special to me as my younger sister is confined to a wheel chair and finds a lap comfort useful.  I have made her several so one might be in the wash and others waiting for use.

Skill Level

Skill level would be basic quilting.



Products were fabric, stabilizer for the blocks stitch by embroidery machine, thread for embroidery and sewing together.


Time Investment

I was able to make this lap comfort in an afternoon, the embroidery takes the most time.


Why I Love This Project 

I love this project because it gives purpose to my hobby of machine quilting.  I enjoy sharing finished projects with others.


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What Would You Do?
Do you know someone who makes special embroidered items to brighten the day of others? Click on the Comments link to share their story.

Comments (16) -

Very beautiful this quilt.

I should like to see it bigger in the site.

I read the way of designing it.My compliments.


Hi,  We also make Prayer Quilts for cancer patients. We have been doing so for 8 years now. We started out using drawn designs using fabric markers but have since gotten an embroider machine and use that now for our prayer squares. What we want to do  with these quilts is to bring comfort to someone going through a very difficult time.  We want them to know someone cares what they are going through.  That they are loved. Through encouraging words, pictures, and bible verses that are covered in prayer, we put these into our quilts  Our pattern is an easy one using 9 patch squares  alternating withe either blank squares or our prayer squares.  We are soo thrilled to be able now to be using embroidery because the embroidery will last much longer than fabric markers going through the wash. We have also started to make Eye Spy quilts for children hoping that in looking for different things on the quilt like a dancing frog, or a dogs dressed in fancy shirts,  the children will be able to take their mind off whats going on even if for a little while.  We are blessed with a Pastor who encourages our group and gives us the use of closet space and work space for our quilting session.  I personally, find great pleasure in finding and using designs and adding words of encouragement to someone who need to know someone cares.

If i can be of any help to someone else who might want to start such a project you can contact me at

[email protected]

Thank you ever so much for all the wonderful designs, tips and ideas.


mariejosephine 3/1/2008 8:38:22 PM

This is neat.   When my son was getting married, my future daughter-in-law asked me to help her with some memory quilts for her bridesmaids.  There were seven of them.  Besides photos, we included appropiate friendship messages in different blocks of the quilt.  It was a tremendous success.  Everybody laughed and cried when they opened their quilts.

Great ideal!

I can not find the designs you used on Redwork Goodbook or Gods Gift for you.

Where do I get the verses?

Thank you

This is a wonderful idea, however I did not find the designs referred to nor was I able to print the instructions for future use.   Very disappointing not to be able to print the instructions or find the designs.


I make embroidered lace angels and carry them in my purse. When I run into someone who has done something nice, or someone who seems to need a "pick-me-up," I give them one. It lights up their entire day.

I am thankful to see that I am not the only one having trouble finding the designs.  Help, please.

I would love to make one of these lap quilts.

annthegran 3/8/2008 2:23:33 PM

Regarding the missing designs, please see the following forum thread:">

We are trying to get the designs up, but there has been a delay as it is the first time Susan has done this.


These verses are very interesting and the Lap Quilt is the perfect place for them. Would love to find them in the SHV format.  Fern Matson

Ilove this quilt.I will be making one soon.Thanks Brenda

I have, for many years now, helped make holiday stockings for cancer patients at the cancer center located in Ann Arbor, MI. The past few years I have made as many as 700 per year.  I have enjoyed using my various embroidery machines to embellish the stockings and have always enjoyed hearing how much the stockings have meant to the patients and their families. One older gentleman's wife wrote and said that her husband's last holiday was a very happy one as he couldn't wait to show everyone his beautiful fishing theme stocking.  She said it would remain a constant remember for the family each holday.  I also have been making bibs for several baby boys born last year whose mothers all work and have to leave them each day.  They have all been able to smile when leaving their little guys each day as they look at them with their cute little "drool" bibs on.  You can't imagine the shock recently when I found a quilt with baby animals on it in an Embroidery magazine and discovered the pattern was available through AnnTheGran.  I have been looking for these animals for several years after seeing them in a dream one night.  I always thought I would find them and have to hand embroidered them. Nice surprise to find them for my machine.   I will be using them to make even more people (large and small) smile.

I am making one of these quilts now, but I am using different color thread for each square, but I really love this one that Susan made. What kind of fabric do you use? I never thought to put half of the squares in different directions.

How can I obtain the verses for the the verse lap quilt? We have a quilting ministry at church and we make baby quilts for the local Agape house and we are putting Bible verses on them and this would be great for them. Please help me, I would be more than willing to pay for them. Thank you

You can find the designs used for the Verse Lap Quilts at:">

cindymosley 2/26/2009 11:22:42 PM


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