Community Circle April 3-4 in Orlando - Registration Ready at Long Last!

It's the gathering of the year and even if this is the first time you have joined me I know you'll be re-energized and ready to go after two full days with Eileen Roche and me. We'll share our best techniques and insider tips for expressing yourself through embroidery.

For all the details, including registration and hotel information, please click here. We do have a cap on the number of attendees, as well as on the number of hotel rooms, so please register early to avoid disappointment.

To register, you don't need to fill out any forms; just use the Add to Cart links on the landing page, check out, and our system will retrieve your contact information from your AnnTheGran user profile. You will then be sent a full itinerary by e-mail as soon as one is available. For questions and information, I have also set up a forum so you can stay up-to-the-minute on news about the event.

Please note that this is not a "hands-on" event; classes will be lecture/demo format, so there is no need to bring your machine. I received a lot of feedback from our users (thank you!) and, even though many of you were okay with bringing your machines, most of you weren't, so we decided that, as this is our first year doing this, we want to see how this format goes and we will then evaluate whether or not to run hands-on events in the future. Thanks again for providing me so much feedback; I was truly humbled!

Hope to see you in Orlando in April!

Ann (AnnTheGran) Cobb

Comments (14) -

jalcumbrack 2/20/2008 1:40:02 PM


     What if people can only come for one day ? Is it still going to be the same price?

roberthomas 2/20/2008 2:59:24 PM

how do I sign up my wife for the conference and dinner

jalcumbrack 2/21/2008 7:37:04 AM

Hi Ann,

WooHoo!! I'm coming to Orlando !! My husband and I found the money and I will be there with bells on . I am so excited !!! I have purchased the ticket on the website and I already have my room booked !

andreafinocchiaro 2/22/2008 3:36:51 PM

where is this going to be held?

tourlady522 2/22/2008 8:28:36 PM

Do you know of anyone that may be looking for a room mate. I am booked and wil share my room if someone is interested.

Bonnie Abbott


I have already purchased and signed up for the classes and booked a room.

I have a friend that I would like to sign up and pay for.  How can I do that?

   Ann, this is Gail in N.C.  Is there anything I can do to help you prepare for this?  If so, let me know and I will be glad to help.  Just give me some instructions on what you need.   Gail

Hi Ann,

I have signed up for the conference and dinner and have booked my room.  

I need to know how I can sign up my friend for the conference using my credit card.

Could you let me know?  

Thank you,

Debbie Liscum

Thanks for your comments everyone. The answers to most of these questions can be found in the forum I've set up at:">

If you don't find an answer there, please post to that forum and I'll answer you there.



I need to know if my registration is accepted or approved or whatever so I can make plane reservations.  Do we get a confirmation or anything?  Thanks.

Carol Dennis

[email protected]

marciaelaine 3/3/2008 1:57:18 PM

I hopefully have signed myself Marcia E. Sharrard and my husband Roberthomas Sharrard up for the conference.  In the future it would be great if you could make the form so that more than one person could be signed up on it.  I had to go in and make my own account in order to do that and I hope I am only charged for 2 registrations.  Thanks

annthegran 3/3/2008 3:08:04 PM

Hi, there,

Yes, I have registrations from Carol and Marcia. Sorry, Carol that I didn't catch this earlier; I was hoping that everyone would use the Community Circle forum to ask questions, rather than this post, but I guess everyone is still getting used to using this new site, just like I am!

We will definitely make sure next time that we have a registration form that can accommodate multiple registrants, as we have several groups registering. Thanks so much for your feedback so that we can continue to improve.


sharonboudreaux 3/4/2008 11:23:48 AM

I am registered for your seminar on 4-3-08 but I did not receive a conformation however my credit card has been charged.  I do have 2 other ladys coming.  I just want to make sure I am registered as we are driving 11 hours to get there.        



annthegran 3/4/2008 1:06:48 PM

Hi, Sharon,

Yes, we did receive your registration and you were sent a confirmation e-mail. Please check your spam filter.

We haven't yet sent out the final itinerary to attendees; we hope to have that out today or tomorrow.


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