LaRueSews-Quilts-Square it up!

OK, Everybody, If you have followed this blog from the beginning, and have been making quilt block as we go, you should now have enough block to make into a quilt. “How do I do that?” someone says.  Well, that’s the purpose of this blog.  Let’s put those little bugg... [More]

My Valentine Box

Here we are coming up on Valentines Day, coincidentally Bill’s and my half year anniversary. Coincidentally because we first met on the 14th of August and, when we decided to marry, set the date at one year from our first meeting. There wasn’t any thought about Valentines Day and it was ... [More]

Graffiti Glam Coming To Community Circle 2009

Mary and I are so excited about coming to Florida for the Community Circle Event the last weekend in March!!  What perfect timing.  It's been a bitter cold winter here in Iowa -- and I am really looking forward to FLORIDA.It is always a joy for me to present my seminar, "Life Is N... [More]

Sun in Florida - Shade in Holland (quick and easy project)

Only a couple of weeks to go before I meet you all at the Community Circle Event in Orlando Florida. I will meet you all, right? You just have to come: in two days you will learn more than you could learn in two years on your own. If a picture is worth a thousand words, then lecture demos are worth ... [More]

Greetings from Mary Mulari - Looking Forward to Sharing Project Ideas

Greetings to the Community Circle participants and those of you who are still thinking about attending! Rita and I, the Midwest YaYa Sisters, are eager to come to Florida for this event. Both of us are looking out our windows at lots of snow. Here in northern Minnesota we've set some records fo... [More]

What Makes Our Furniture Different - Construction Boards and Finishes

At Sylvia, we pay attention to detail and quality.  Period.  So if we plan on spending quite a bit of time and money on the hardware we use, the dowels necessary to hold tight the joints of the cabinets, and even the lift for the sewing machine, it only makes sense to use quality construct... [More]

LaRueSews-Quilts - Tricky Triangles

Hi there, all of you Ann the Gran readers.  Welcome back to LaRueSews-quilts.  This is a bright and sunny day in east central, Alabama.  It is, however a bit chilly outside.  But I guess that’s better than cold, cloudy and rainy.I have said before, and I’d like to say... [More]

Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Embellisment - An Introduction

Hi, from Texas! I'm James Raymer, Vice President of Dalco Home Sew. I am excited and honored to be part of your “Community Circle.” I can still remember when I first met Ann. Ann and I were invited to a retreat at Myrtle Beach. This being my first show I was in awe of meeting a real... [More]

Embroidering From Orlando to Holland to Toronto...and Back

There are a lot of good things about working for myself at home. I can come and go as I please. I can work in my pajamas. There’s no commute. There are some downsides. I work on the week-ends and in the middle of the night. The work is always there; I can’t walk away from it. But the big... [More]

Tips on a Custom Thread Palette, the AHA Feature, and Plans for a New Throw Pillow

It’s interesting how you can have a great idea during a very busy day and then when you sit down to write….you draw a blank. I am hoping that I remember what that great idea was before I get to the end of this blog.  In the meanwhile today was one of those busy days at work that yo... [More]

June from Brother - No Snow But a Show In Orlando!

The weather in New Jersey this week is snowy and really cold and to some folks that may not seem so wonderous but when we had an unexpected family gathering in New York last week it made one little girl happy.  My 16 year old niece was visiting from Ocala, Fl and she had never seen snow in her ... [More]

LaRueSews-Quilting-Straighten Up!

In beginning this blog, I realized that I need to back track and talk about something I left out some time ago. You really need to straighten the fabric before you begin any project.  That doesn’t include quilting alone.  It includes any kind of sewing.  Because of the nature of... [More]

Florida, Here We Come!

Packing our bags...It's official, we booked our flights and made hotel reservations: we will be teaching / demoing at the upcoming AnnTheGran Community Circle event on March 27 and 28, 2009 in Orlando!And what a great coincidence it is that we will be at the AnnTheGran event, in the "roots&... [More]

What is all this stuff and how did it get into my house?

We’re trying to pare down here at the old homestead. I have no idea where all this stuff came from but it’s gotta go! Okay, I know where it came from . . . . Live in the same house for 47 years and stuff piles up. Plus, Bill has a habit that I’ve heard that a lot of men have: Somet... [More]

What Makes Us Different – How Our Furniture is Designed

Until now, I’ve talked about the things we use in our furniture such as the hardware, the sewing machine lift, and even the dowels and glue we use to put it all together.  But that comes after the cabinet comes off the drawing board and proceeds to construction.   Other than things... [More]

LaRueSews-Quilts-I'm Baaaaak!

I hope everyone had a really great Christmas/Chanukah/holiday season.  As well the happiest New Year since January 1, 2008. ;o) Before I began this blog, I checked with the folks at AnnTheGran to be sure you all want me to continue with my ramblings.  Since this is the first time for me in... [More]

It takes time to save time...

Happy New Year!Can you imagine? A new year, again? It feels like it's only a few months ago since we all watched the fireworks going from New Zealand / Australia / Europe and finally USA to welcome the new Millennium! And now all of a sudden we're in 2009...Time is one of the things in life ... [More]

What Makes Our Furniture Different – The Hardware We Use

Quality Made Sylvia Sewing Furniture Our commitment to quality extends to, what some might consider, even the most mundane items.  I’m talking about the hardware we use in all of Sylvia’s sewing furniture.  In the past few blog posts, I’ve talked about how we assemble o... [More]

Yes, it WAS a good year!

Long about New Year's Eve I was hearing a lot of mumbling and grumbling about 2008, talking heads saying that thank goodness 2008 is over. Well, yes, the economic messiness of the last couple of months of 2008 was bad thing and embarking on a brand spanking new 2009 is a good thing, even though ... [More]

June from Brother - Tips on Personalizing Your Gifts

I am sure that each of you are just like me and you are running around trying to get as much accomplished before the year ends as you can.  Whether it is trying to get the last-minute gifts made or find the perfect gift, they would often look better if they were personalized, wouldn’t the... [More]

Gift Giving Journey #5 - Walk a mile in my slippers!

Greetings everyone! Can you believe it?  The end of the journey and all the gifts you're making are nearly complete, right?!?  Now I am quite sure there are some of you who actually DO have your gifts finished, neatly wrapped, and waiting under the tree for the lucky recipie... [More]

What Makes Our Furniture Different – The 3-Stage Rudersburg lift

  Special Offer - For free shipping within the contiguous United States and Canada, click here to view these cabinets in our online store. In the early 1980’s I was approached by local sewing machine retailer about building a good quality sewing cabinet. At the time none w... [More]

Finished Objects

       Individual characters (letters, numbers and punctuation marks) fr [More]
Decisions, Decisions, Rayon or Polyester??

Decisions, Decisions, Rayon or Polyester??

I work with a lot of people in the embroidery community.  I work with names you will recognize and some you won't know.  Lindee Goodall is one of my favorite people.  Lindee (I love that name) is a no nonsense person who does multiple things in embroidery.  She teaches, she writes blogs and books, she digitizes and in her spare time, she enjoys meeting her fellow embroidery enthusiasts at events all around the USA and beyond! 

There is one thing that I know about 'enthusiasts,' they are enthusiastic!  There are many right here at AnnTheGran.  There is Diane Brown (you can check on this link to see how not to lose small items.) who is a caring wife, mother and grandmother.  She does a great deal for her family - - - does that sound familiar to any of YOU?

My personal favorite it Debbie SewBlest.  Click to see her ideas for holiday giving to a child's teacher.  She has only been blogging for a little over a year but she is truly a great idea person.

Then there is Eileen Roche, Click on that link if you miss her blog on 12 house hold items that make great tools for embroidery.  She runs the Designs in Machine Embroidery Magazine, Stitchin Sisters Events and still makes time for AnnTheGran.  Super Woman!!!

Here are my observations, in no particular order, from my own projects and my SWF, 15 needle machine.  Remember, we are seeking some information regarding Rayon v. Polyester:

  • Everyone can and/or will have a little different experience with their project -
  • Thread is one of the culprits that will make things go well or badly -
  • Every machine has its own personality which is very human-like, sometimes kind and sometimes a little unkind -
  • Some of us buy thread that is 'on sale.'  The 'sale' can mean many things (not limited to just these):
    • The company wants to sell a new variety of its products -
    • The company (my personal favorite) has taxes due and needs funds -
    • The company knows the thread is a bit on the old side, making it on the dry side -
    • Or a lot of other reasons.
  • Many of us have both rayon and polyester in our stashes of thread.

Here is where the serious question of rayon v. polyester comes in.  Let's say you are doing a design that has multiple colors which you can match.  However, some are rayon and some are polyester. 

Here are two roses with similar colors but the left is done with Rayon and the right was done in Polyester.  It was done with the recommended tension and the appropriate stabilizers.  The polyester may have looked just fine in the hoop but upon removal, the stretch of the thread and fabric just might result in some puckering. 

Frankly, many people don't notice puckering unless it is pointed out to them.  Many people are not 'schooled' in what good embroidery should look like.  After all, some of their grandmother's hand embroidery may have puckered as well.  She actually may have not been perfect either!

Imagine how a project might look if you were mixing thread types!  I do recommend that you stick with the best threads you can get.  The Internet has many places to get excellent thread.  I totally recommend getting 'thread sets' for a very important reason - they are color coordinated (saturation, hue, lightness, brightness and contrast) and blend beautifully together.  Take my word for it, not having good colors together can be just terrible.

This is a great set.  It is excellent for your holiday projects and beyond!!!


Just a last word, when was the last time you backed up your designs?????  Get to it!

Comments (7) -

Thank you, Pat.

You are as kind and generous as you are talented, and a true icon of the embroidery industry.

Embroiderers world wide have benefitted from your generous sharing of all things embroidery!

I use Maderia Rayon 90% of the time, I do have RA Poly that I use in things that I know will be bleached.

I love that way my projects look in Rayon and I am really tired of hearing how bad rayon is.  If it is that bad how come 90% of the great embroidery sites use it?

I do a lot of ME as you well know and I have found out the hard and expensive way what my machine likes.  They do have their own personalities.


Thanks for your input ladies!  If embroiderers knew just how much these little notes mean to me, I would see more of them - at least I hope I would.

Marge, I know there has been discussion about both and I am in agreement with you.  I did purchase some polyester (a large set) and was disappointed.  I don't know if it was the brand or the polyester but at this time, I think it is the polyester.  

Additionally, rayon is so consistent and consistently terrific that I am entirely in that corner permanetly - until something has a major change.  

Rayon takes color so beautifully and has the sheen.  I know that polyester is gaining, but I like the tried and true.

Pat, The Avid Embroiderer

BTW, if you want to see some beautiful and significant items, check out the Galleries - specifically -">

When you see Marsuz, you know you will be seeing something of real beauty and detail.  She puts together many large pieces that are 12+ pieces which make up the designs that are real show stoppers.

I have been encouraging her to do a blog about the methods of putting a large design together. Maybe we should be nudging her just a little. . . .

Pat, The Avid Embroiderer

Thanks Pat but you give me to much credit.  A great piece starts with a great designer.

I have just upload the Guardian Angel that I did for my DDIL for Christmas.


Thanks for all your blogs.  I constantly check for any new blog or forum. You, all, have taught me so much. I learn everyday.


Thanks everyone.  I love embroidery - even though I have issues - a lot.  I also love doing the blog.  

It has been a dream for me to have both of my machines going at the same time.  Today, that happened.  Well, they both broke thread at almost the same time.  Be careful what you wish for!!!

LOL, Pat, The Avid Embroiderer

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