Take The Quiz!

--> It’s time for some fun. I was recently asked about doing a Facebook application. You know, Facebook, one of the social sites on the internet. Where people who haven’t seen each other can chit chat and generally make a nuisance of themselves. It’s a good way to keep ... [More]

Keeping It Simple – Getting the Right Design to the Machine

Getting the right design into your machine is a most important part of enjoying your embroidery experience.  I have been using an embroidery machine for so long that lots of things have become second nature and I just do them without thinking.  Like viewing designs using the Brother PED-Ba... [More]

I know, I know...you want a blog!

It sure has been a busy month....On December 10, I took the plunge and had toe surgery....I had two hammertoes that required a bit of slicing and dicing.  That meant I hobbled around with "the big boot" for a few weeks and then I got to don the "little boot." I had to chuckl... [More]

Rogue Security Software

These tips can be used for Windows XP and Vista - Operating systems vary, if in doubt, check with your provider and/or technical support.   Perhaps the term Rogue Security Software is new to you, it is a form of computer malware that deceives or misleads users into paying for the fake or si... [More]

Keeping It Simple - Crayon Chalk Tote

  I have been dog sitting a five month old puppy for the last 2 weeks.  Sage is pretty good, but she is definitely all puppy.  And Big! Ok, I admit I am used to small dogs - Papillons, which are usually 7-10 pounds.  So, when this pretty Brittany Spaniel jumped in my lap right b... [More]

Scott's Corner - What's coming in 2010

Hello everyone,   I hope you all enjoyed your holidays and had a wonderful bringing in of the New Year. I am looking forward to all the information we have to share with you in 2010.  It is going to be an exciting year.  We will be looking at Microsoft Outlook more closely and expl... [More]

It's Good to be Home

Just to clarify, the rumors that I fell off the face of the Earth are patently false. While it’s true that I was skipping about all over the face of the Earth, at no time did I actually tumble into the stratosphere. So, where have I been? First I went up to Kentucky for two weeks with my daugh... [More]

LaRueSews-Quilts--Quilter, Quilter, Who Are You?

My quilt guild, called Memory Makers Guild was just a little over the top today.  The guild is a small group, but what it lacks in numbers, it makes up for in talent.  I’ve known most of these ladies for at least a year, and some of them, as much as three years.  We have grown c... [More]

Keeping It Simple with a Lovey Blankie Blank

We are looking forward to another grandchild and I have vowed not to be scrambling when it arrives to be finishing things up.  Only time will tell but our grandaughter and I have been working on a soft book for her new brother or sister.  We will show it to you when we ... [More]


Welcome to 2010 .. the New Year has me off working on my designs site.  It is truly a daunting task to find art that you are allowed to replicate and sell, digitize it, sample it, load it on the site, define the design, and ready it for sale and distribution.  No matter how tough, our staf... [More]

Positive Bead Crafts- African Folklore Embroidery Traveling Exhibition

BEADED AFRICAN VILLAGE, - Positive beadwork and the Rainbow nation   Perceptions and associations of Africa frequently revolve around drought, starvation and AIDS. I wanted to design a piece that reflected the artistic and diverse cultural beauty of South Africa. While I love living in Ameri... [More]

Save Money When Printing (MAC is included).

  These tips can be used for Windows XP and Vista and MAC- Operating systems vary, if in doubt, check with your provider and/or technical support.   Several years ago, the 'powers that be' told us that we were going to become a paperless society.  I don't know about y... [More]

'Tis the season to help others

As the holiday season heats up I decided to get my toes operated on.  What was I thinking?  This is time of year when everyone is running around. Not me.  In the last few days I had to learn how to do my holiday shopping on line. My DIL helped me figure out how to get free shipping wh... [More]

It's Adorable You!

About 3 years ago I was sitting on my porch looking out across the Puget Sound. John Deer (Adorable Ideas) and his family were visiting with us and we were just enjoying the view of the water and relaxing. It occurred to me to ask him, "If you could ask for any embroidery software feature that ... [More]

Hints For Photographing Holidays and Parties

Just in time for holiday fun, here are a few tips for getting some really great shots.  Let's start out with some basics: Start with a camera.  OK, that sounds a little sarcastic, but the fact is that the auxiliary phones, ipods, etc., just don't have a great deal of real depth ... [More]

Ribbon Trim Adds a Special Touch to some Really Trendy Linens!

I've been looking through Spring catalogs from some of our suppliers and I'm seeing lots and lots of damask patterns and designs.  It inspired me to think ahead to next year because I'm sure you'll be seeing lots of it too!  It may be a little late to get something done for... [More]

Leaping In, With a Mac

Hello fellow embroiderers, design seekers and stash collectors! 'Leaping In' begins with a non-PC topic. No, I'm not being Politically in-Correct right out of the gate here at ATG. I'm talking about Mac computers and the lack of embroidery support for them. That other 'PC' ... [More]

More Tags!

     Individual characters (letters, numbers and punctuation marks) from my alph [More]

The Project Gone Wrong

AAAHHHH!  Christmas Time-It’s a wonderful time of year when we all rush around, from one party to another.  Rushing the kids to their parties, and activities, while planning for the cookies we will bake when we get enough time.  We spend hours, thinking, planning scheming for th... [More]

Optical versus Digital Zoom and Photo Tips

  These tips can be used for Windows XP and Vista - Operating systems vary, if in doubt, check with your provider and/or technical support.   Many people are confused between optical and digital zoom.  If you are thinking of buying a new camera for yourself or someone else, you c... [More]

Get your Hostess Gifts ready now---party season is upon us!

Hey Everyone!  It's that time of the year again---time to start coming up with some quick and easy gifts for folks on our list.   I try to make the most of every single minute I have in the sewing room because I just don't get as much time in there as I want.  But I do wa... [More]

Is Your PC Obsolete? And Problems and Solutions

  These tips can be used for Windows XP and Vista - Operating systems vary, if in doubt, check with your provider and/or technical support.   Years ago, I remember reading one of my favorite PC guru's newsletters and it said something like - This new PC has 10 MB of storage, you w... [More]

Keeping it Simple - Puppy Love and Gingerbread Man Coasters

I have to tell you a story of love at first sight.  I have to tell you the story of Keiko.  She is one of the newest members of the family (kind of).  We have two dogs at our house - a sixteen year old Pomeranian mix and an almost two year old Papillon.  So do we need anothe... [More]

LaRueSews-Quilts-Be Your Own Judge

This has been a busy month. We recently went to Nashville again to sign a contract on a Motor Home that we saw last month. It’s like new, though used, and really beautiful. We will get it the first week of December.   Also, my sewing machine has been back to the factory, or wherever dis... [More]

Needles and Thread .. best recommendations

Hello everyone.  Had some spare time in my new married life and wanted to touch base with this great community!! I have been emailing my customer base about needles and thread and how my experience may help those that are either new, or, just have never given these two important tools much tho... [More]

People I meet and why they are hip to the possibilities of sewing…

In today's office environment  the more popular method of communication is email but when my phone rings I can almost guarantee that I will be hearing from someone who is completely enthralled by sewing and wants to tell more people about what is happening in the world of sewing in the... [More]

How to Work in a Paperless World

Did you ever wonder what it would be like to actually see the top of your desk through all those bills, notes, orders ...... and the list goes on.  I know that feeling of "where did I just put that!"  I know it's within arms reach because it was just in my hand and I haven... [More]

Holiday Travel, Needles & African Folklore Embroidery

I used to be a really nervous flyer, every bump, thump, or noise would startle me. Reading just would not relax me and chatting to the passenger next to me would not succeed in calming me. Things began changing for me once I started bringing my African Folklore Embroidery kit on board the air... [More]
Great Photography and Catalog Xpress Tip #2, Search

Great Photography and Catalog Xpress Tip #2, Search


If you enjoy good photography as much as I do, you will love this freebie.  National Geographic is one of the most outstanding photographic presenters of the world and I believe it will remain so for eternity.  Others may come and go, but some things are enduring.  Check this link:   

You will want to read over the information about the collections available, and what you specifically would like to have for your desktop wallpaper.

There are also specific instructions for Windows XP and Windows 7, so you should have no problems with the download.  It takes a very short time to do it.

Now for my next Catalog Xpress Tip.  I see it in the Forum with some frequency, people don't always understand Catalog Xpress.  I want you to know your software if you already have it, and to understand the value that it represents if you are considering it. 

What Catalog Xpress Does Not Do:

  • 1. Retain/Keep/Hold Data (Designs). They reside on your hard drive or whatever medium you use such as a Thumb Drive.
  • 2. Digitize


What Catalog Xpress Does Do:


  • 1. Keep notes on issues (your input) - Instructions
  • 2. Search by the usual information AND by Notes
  • 3. Resize designs
  • 4. Convert the format
  • 5. Recolor designs
  • 6. Categorize designs in multiple subjects (place a design of girl in garden watching a butterfly in multiple categories)
  • 7. Allow background colors (view your designs against project color)
  • 8. Arrange designs in multiple methods (Name, Type, Number of Stitches, Colors, Dimensions)
  • 9. Print the entire catalog of designs in 3D (as small or large as I like)
  • 10. Work with Alpha Xpress to create wonderful projects.


My second tip is for the Search information.  This search is by far the best I have seen, and if you are making notes in your designs, you will see why.

Last time, (see link in item #1) I showed you how to put information in the notes for a design.  One issue with the design in question was that it is a little dense for light fabric, which is something that I sell on my site (see my profile if you want to look at my site).  My pashminas are light and lightly woven, making them difficult to embroider.  I have to nail it down with a nail gun, (Wink) and stabilize to get a good sew out. 

Remembering that has always been a problem for me.  Which of the monograms are too dense?  Which work best?  Which would I steer my client away from because of density?

Let me offer some advice that I was given when I was the instructor of software - (teaching IS learning!) - when you are planning to have information for future use, consider using specific words for conformity.  For instance, I am adding the word "dense" for designs that have high density.  If a design has 'correct' density, I will say nothing.  If it is too light in density, I would use the word "sparse" to describe it.  Therefore, if I Search for Dense, I only get 'too dense' and not light ones. 

Stabilizer, thread color changes, gift giving information are important items to keep track of and notes is your easy method for accomplishing it. 

The same goes for specialty items.  An example is "boys" because you probably know that designs for boys are more difficult to find than for girls.  So, in my notes, I would make a design that is suitable for 'boys' with that word.  Perhaps I have a garden design that just might work for a boy, but it will be in the garden section.  I want to have the best use of my designs and this will help.  I could also put a copy of the design in the "boys" category as well. 

Well, let's use the Search to find the word "Dense" which I have placed in two different notes. 

  • Select/Hit "All," I call this task "the Missouri mule" because before your computer can help you, you gotta get its attention!!!  Use your mouse to select the Search Icon.






  • In the "Notes" box, type 'dense.' 




  • See results.





Obviously, I have more than one design that is very dense, but only one which is a Monogram.

As you can see from the "Search" box, there are many ways to search.  I just think that the "Notes" search is an excellent way to keep all the information you have to keep track of during your embroidery. 

To release the search feature, select "Clear" in the box and press OK. 

Thanks Catalog Xpress for making my embroidery more clear for me.  When I learn something new, I will put it with the designs that apply to it and have that info at my fingertips.


Comments (7) -

I have Catalog Express & love using it.  The only thing I haven't figured out how to do is to send the design from C.Express to the machine.  I always find the design I want in C.Express then open my download folder to find that same design and then send it to the machine.  Is there a step in C.Express to do this & if so please explain so this 65 year old can understand.

Sandy V.

thecomputerist 7/2/2010 6:00:24 PM

Hello Sandy - This is coming from someone who is just a little bit older than you!!

CatX (my loving nickname for it) actually just 'holds' information.  It is a data/information holder only.  It does not hold the designs themselves.  It holds the 'properties.'  

Properties, as you may have scene at the bottom of many lists about various documents, actually is the 'underpinings' of the document/design.

Properties holds things like the format, colorations, instructions to the computer about the document/design.  

Without the properties, you will get a statement something like: "This document/design is corrupt."  

So, your designs are not residing in CatX, they are on your hard drive, thumb drive or other medium you may use.

Thanks for reminding me that many of you may not know what different terms mean.  Properties are things that the programmer and computer is concerned about, not the end user.


This is absolutely my favorite computer clock and it includes a calendar!!! I am not happy with a calendar

Drawing and designing is usually limited to those who have talent, I am not included in that group. However

I opened CatX this morning to add new designs I had purchased. I can't find my list of folders (animals, transportation, etc.). Where do I find them and why did they go away? Thanks so much!

It seems like it was very recent when we were learning computers, the Internet and cell phones. I am

If you have been online more than 1 week, you probably have a lot of "Favorites" or "Bookmarks"

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