LaRueSews-Quilts--Quilter, Quilter, Who Are You?

My quilt guild, called Memory Makers Guild was just a little over the top today.  The guild is a small group, but what it lacks in numbers, it makes up for in talent.  I’ve known most of these ladies for at least a year, and some of them, as much as three years.  We have grown closer as time has gone on.  Today was a kinda special day.  At least it was special to me.  This was our first meeting of the new year.  Our last meeting was the end of November.  So it had been nearly six weeks since we’d been together.  For some reason, it seemed that we were all a little “wired.”  (By that I mean, just a little crazy).  Our last meeting was the Christmas party.  Of course, it was fun!  Isn’t every Christmas party that way?

However, today was just a “first meeting of the year.”  I don’t know what made this one seem out of the ordinary.  Maybe it was just that we were glad to get out of the house after more than a week of below freezing weather.  Everyone was just glad to have some time of her own.  We have such a good time when we meet.  It makes sewing all those gorgeous quilts even more fun.

This lady is “Madam President,” our supreme leader.  She said this would be the best picture I ever took.  She’s not shy either.  She manages to have a full time job and make quilts and do a snappy job of leading the meetings.

This is our Newby.  She’s a friend and co-worker of a few others.  During the meeting, she was doing a really gorgeous counted cross stitch of an Oriental Lady.  Wow, was it pretty.  (Yes, we all do other things than quilting) She also sews children’s clothes for a specialty children’s clothing shop.  She will really be a keeper.

I promised I wouldn’t use their names, but this one is not a Plain Jane, by any means.   Jane can and DOES make anything.  I have seen sooo many beautiful quilts in her hands.  She has probably made more quilts than the rest of the Guild together.  She has made numerous Christmas quilts.  She displays them at Christmas time and invites everyone to her house to take a look.

Ah, Mary, my love. Our Mary is so sweet.  She quilts and sews and grows lemons!  This is a lady who KNOWS needle-turn applique.  She designed and made a quilt for her husband.  It has a knight in shining armor on it, designed from a stained glass window.  Wow, what a Quilter!  Not only that, but she even grows lemons in her home and patio.  She had nine of them on one little tree this year!

This is our Chairman of Giving.  She is always dreaming up ways for us to serve others.  She is the person who looks for people in need of our skills.  Then we put our fingers to the needles, and our eye to the task and we put her ideas to work.  We make and give the treasures that we can give to Mommies with new babies, Campfire girls, and soldiers who need comfort.  We couldn’t do without her.

This gal is one of the newer members.  She’s a talented lady, who designed and sewed the Beginner quilt in our guild challenge last fall.  She has agreed to be our Vice President and program planner for the year.  She also knows a whole lot about pizza boxes.

This lady has a full time job with the County Extension Service, and a second part time job.  As well as all that busy-ness, she can sew just about anything.  I’ve never met someone who can get so much done in her sewing room.  My envy for her talent with time is excessive.

This is our Granny, in the Christmas skit, that is.  Better not get under Granny’s skin.  She’s on the trail of anyone who has sticky fingers.  She’s out to catch a thief in the act.  She just keeps us laughing, whenever a little witticism slips out.  We love having her around to tickle our funny bones.

This is just some quilters in the Memory Makers Quilt Guild.  It is a very diverse group.  Some of these ladies are retired from lifelong professions.  Some of them are professionals now, some are even in fields where they can put their creativity to work.  Most of them are mothers, some are grandmothers.  But most of all and above everything else, they are FRIENDS.  This guild could be called the Circle of Golden Hearts.  The ladies pictured here, and all the others have hearts of Gold to go along with the all the beautiful colors they stitch into their quilts. 

This was all to tell you that Quilt guilds are a great way to learn about quilting and other kinds of hand work.  They are also one of the best places I know to find lasting friendships.  Also quilt guilds often do very nice things for people in need.  Try one our for size, and tell them Memory Makers sent you.  Now, on to our LaRueSews Block of the Month. 

This block is called the Orange Twist.  You can try out your skills at making half square triangles with this one.  The colors for it are orange, yellow and rust, or you can try out your own color variation.

Next time, I plan to begin a series on Applique.  I love applique, and I hope that some of you will be able to gain some of my interest in it.  I waited for this until after the holidays so you will have time to put on your stitching fingers and find the joy of applique, as I have.  I’ll begin with some fusible applique.   I will show you how to use  which  is available on Ann The Gran Shopping.  You will also need some parchment paper.  It is available in the baking section of the grocery store.  Reynolds Aluminum brand is fine.  Don’t go out and buy the expensive stuff in the cake decorating specialty department.  It’s no better.  I will provide a simple pattern that you can use or you can find your own later.

Until next time (three weeks from now)
Stitches to you,

Comments (5) -

thecomputerist 1/15/2010 4:51:41 PM

What a great group!  I will have to take photos of the lovely ladies at my Embroidery Club!  I LOVE this idea.

LaRue, I have always known you to be one of a kind!

Best wishes to you and yours (handsome Ralph), Pat

You are right, quilt guilds are fun.  You can learn loads by spending time with others that enjoy quilting.

I so enjoy reading your blogs and have been inspired to join a quilting group here in IN. I have an Innovis 4000D machine for embroidery and am looking for a light weight machine to take to classes. Any suggestions as to what I should look for?

Can't wait for the applique blog.

Nancy in IN

LaRue, It was nice to "meet" some of your guild members. Although I enjoy your blogs & seeing the quilt block of the month, I really didin't have time to get into it. But I'm really looking forward to your applique blogs! I've begun to play with applique on my embroidery machine & am loving it!

I plan to take an embroidery quilting class starting in March / April. I look forward to not only making a beautiful quilt, but making new friends!

I look forward to your next blog!


Pat, my Friend,

As usual, you are there for me.  I have come to expect you to be the first to comment.  Thanks you so much for coming back and for your kind comments.  


Thanks so much for reading and commenting.  Love knowing you are out there.  I hope you are a guild member.


YES, I can recommend a a machine for you.  I LOVE the Singer Featherweight.  Cir.1933-1964.  They are wonderful little machines.  I'll have to write a Blog about them!  Since they are considered antiques, they can be hard to come by.  But there are many places to look for them.  Just Google "Singer Featherweight" and see what happens.  There are a few web sites that deal strictly with Featherweight info.  However, the best I have found is  David McCallum, of this web site has written a terriffic book about the machines that is available on the web site.  The book even tell you how to repair the machines yourself, and it reads like a novel. Being antiques, you can expect a big price tag, but if you shop around, you may find a bargain.  And I say DO SHOP AROUND, and inspect the machines carefully.  Many have gone through multiple owners.  Now, if you don't want to go the antique route, check with a good sewing machine dealer and ask about light weight machines that are marketed to quilters (especially quilters) for classes.  I think Brother has one, and there are others.  That gives you a chance to Go Shopping!


So glad to "see" you again.  It feels like "old Friends week".  I'm so glad you are still with us.  I too am looking forward to do a series on applique.  But don't expect the ease of machine embroidered applique.  There is some prep time involved before you start the stitching.   Great to know about the classes you plan to take.  keep me posted.

Stitches to y'all.   ;o)


Shucks, that doesn't rhyme.

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