Lace - The Ultimate Beginner's Project

Hear Ye’ Hear Ye’ …STOP the PRESS ….  The ULTIMATE Beginner’s Project is………….. LACE!! HH ( Hello Hello )  all you fellow ME’ers!!! I have been shopping up a storm!... and MEing too…. Speaking of shopping, Ann’s store has some good specials right now!!!!! Have you gone to her ‘shop' ... [More]

A Whirlwind of a Week - AnnTheGran in Toronto

It feels as if I was just packing for this trip and here I am home again! Bill and I had a fabulous time in Toronto. First and foremost it was a delight to have a 3rd annual "Spring Fling" with our dear friends Loes and Theo van der Heijden from the Netherlands. Second, it was wonderful to... [More]

Fun in the Magic Bookshelf - What's Your Idea?

Recent Brainwave   Believe it or not, it only occurred to me very recently that, with all the wonderful things available on our new site, we had never actually asked our loyal users where they want us to go next. I’ve told you on my blog here what we’ve planned, but I haven’t asked you w... [More]

Even If I can't Hoop it, I can Embroider it!

Hi, folks,  Had another great question in last week's post from gpleasant, who asked how to hoop towels, under and over. I can tell you how I hoop towels. Bath towels are as liable to be viewed from the back as from the front, so I want both to look good. That means two things. First,... [More]

Great Embroidery Mysteries - The Case of the Messy Alphabet

  Digitizing Mystery  I began digitizing alphabets eight or nine years ago. I like doing it and I take a lot of pride in my work. You can imagine how distressed I was when I began receiving a few messages telling me that the capital and lower case letter "A' was appearing as a b... [More]

Tons and Tons of Questions - Who Has Answers?

HH (Hello Hello!) Fellow Embroiderers,  How are ALL of you??? What things are you doing these days???!!!!! How many NEW embroiders are out there like me. (I stitched my 1st design last week. Yeah!!!). It would also be interesting to find out who has embroidere... [More]

Introducing Crash Course Cathy...

Hello Hello fellow  AnntheGran Embroiderers & New Orlando Circle of Friends!!!! :):):), Who Am I?  For those of you who attended the VERY SPECIAL 1st annual AnntheGran's convention in Orlando in April, you may remember was pretty hard to miss my loud scream and waving arm... [More]

But first, a word from our sponsor . . .

Okay, that would be me, but now that I've got your attention I want to first address a couple of questions that were posted in the comments from last week's post. I thought I'd answer them here, rather than there, because the answers might be of interest to many of you. For LolliConn, w... [More]

You Ruined My Brand New Silk Blouse!

Every now and then I'll receive an angry email that goes something like this: "I used one of the free designs from your site and it sewed out terribly and ruined my brand new silk blouse. Don't you sew out those free designs before you put them on your site?"Well the truth is that ... [More]

Sometimes the Third Time is the Charm...

Challenges & Lessons: So, I looked at the Laughing Cow box for a week. I picked it up. I measured it. I didn't want to do something with the box just for the sake of doing something with it. Now, this box is fairly flimsy. And shallow. Then I looked around for something that would fit in the... [More]

A Magic Bookshelf Game - What Are Tags and How Do I Use Them?

Let's Play Tags - I'm It!  My kids still play Tag, even though the oldest one becomes a teenager this month (), so I'm going to assume that, like me, you are not too old to play a variation of this age-old game. The game I want to play with you is called Tags, with an 's&#... [More]

AnnTheGran's Spring Cleaning Challenges

I've read all the forum posts from folks saying how much they enjoyed our (first annual??) Community Circle. Thank you so much for posting. I want to add, though, that no one had a better time than I did. I arrived home invigorated and ready to get back up to my elbows in embroidery.  Tote... [More]

Community Circle Thanks and Video Demonstrations

Hi, everyone!  Well, I think I've recovered from our fabulous Community Circle! I want to thank everyone who attended as well as Diane and Pardeep for keeping things running smoothly and, of course, Greg, for overseeing everything. Thanks also to Eileen Roche for her terrific classes,... [More]

Brotherly Love, Online Scrapbooking & Ideas from Down Under

Greetings, friends! Once again, I have been truly humbled by the sheer numbers of you who took time to consider and respond to my last post. I received hundreds of e-mails from well-wishers as far away as South Africa, Korea and Australia, all with essentially the same message: we wish we could joi... [More]

Ruffled Crib Quilt from Down Under

Every grandmother counts it a blessing when another child comes into her life.  Each set of tiny hands and feet hold a special place in her heart forever.  When the newest addition made his appearance to the Jenkins family it was just what Leanne needed to inspire her to expand her embroid... [More]

The Digital Scrapbook - Memories in the Magic Bookshelf

(If the text is cut off on the right side of the screen, please click on the post title above to view a corrected version)  Where's Your Shoebox? Whoever you are, wherever you are, the chances are pretty good that, at some point in your life, you've taken some pictures, and there... [More]

Easter Break to Prepare for Community Circle

Hi, everyone, The gang here is taking a little break for Easter and using the time to polish off some final preparations for my Community Circle event in Orlando, so I thought I'd just put together a brief note to let you know that I'm still alive and kicking -- well, moving my le... [More]

On Feeling Young, New Friends & Lunch in Orlando

Thanks for your Feedback I'm really pleased that all of you really took to heart my request in my last letter to get involved with commenting on the new site. We had the most comments and participation we've had since I started blogging. Your feedback really does encourage me and my guests ... [More]

Putting Knowledge in The Magic Bookshelf - What is a Wiki?

Who do You Trust for Information?  Where do you go when you need to know whether something is true or not? Is there a person you ask, or a place you go? Think about it -- everyone needs to have somewhere, something, or someone to help establish what is fact and what is fict... [More]


Who’s Deegee, you may ask?  Well, for those of you who don't know me, please permit me to introduce myself. I live in Southern Texas, I’m married, mom to 4 wonderful adult children and “Nanee” to 3 beautiful granddaughters and 1 very special little grandson.  And I’m like so many... [More]

Blouse Border Design using Shoes

I created this blouse border design by lining up various different shoes from my Fancy Footwork collection. To make the shoes fit together as a cohesive group it was necessary to reverse and rotate most of the designs until they created the right flow. Click here for a larger view of the screenshot ... [More]

Texas Hold-em T-Shirt

This t-shirt design, perfect for Friday night's poker game, was created by combining the cards and chips from my "It's A Boy's Life" collection. I then simply added the lettering "Texas Hold'em" using the Fairbanks block, which is a standard font included with Com... [More]

Paisley Stripe T-Shirt

Three designs make up this paisley stripe around the entire T-shirt when made from combining designs from my Paisley Passion collection. These surprisingly versatile designs can be combined to create an unending number of designs from tiny to all-over designs. Click here for a larger view of the scr... [More]

Embroidered Sheepdog Wallhanging Using Photos

Like many of us, Barbara Schleter has more than one passion.  Here she has combined her long time love of Shetland Sheepdogs with her more recent passion for embroidery.   Barbara has done a great job of sharing her thoughts on creating personalized gifts for those who are special to ... [More]

Welcome to the Magic Bookshelf - What is a Blog?

The Magic Bookshelf Imagine that you sit down at your machine one day to make something for someone, and you realize that there is a part of your project that you aren't sure how to complete. Imagine if you could then point your hands toward any bookshelf in your house and summon it to float th... [More]

Chanel Inspired Tee

The Chanel inspired jewelry design on this black t-shirt was created from the chains, pearls, and heart charm from my "Beads, Baubles and Bling" collection. This fun collection allows you to create necklaces, bracelets, pins and rings from a large variety of gems, charms and chains. C... [More]

Orlando Itinerary, Handsome Men & New Project

So Much To Share!  I have so much to share with you this week that I hardly know where to begin. Like many of you (but not all of you ), I love our new site, especially the way it lets people in our community talk to each other. Free designs are great, and I know that's why many of yo... [More]
Is Your PC Obsolete? And Problems and Solutions

Is Your PC Obsolete? And Problems and Solutions


These tips can be used for Windows XP and Vista -

Operating systems vary, if in doubt, check with your provider and/or technical support.


Years ago, I remember reading one of my favorite PC guru's newsletters and it said something like - This new PC has 10 MB of storage, you will probably never need more than that.  Well, that was a mistake!  Games and programs are bigger than that these days.  I also remember my son saying that he wanted a laptop that he would not have to replace for at least 10 years.  Get the picture?   We can be naive about computers, but once you own and use one, you are in for a long term investment.

Is your PC obsolete right now?  Well, it was as soon as the manufacturer shipped it to the store, so that is really a mute question.  The real question is, is your PC providing what you actually need for your uses?  That is a harder question to answer.  I will give you a few thoughts on obsolescence and the wired generation.  (In no particular order:)

  • Can you multi-task the programs you really want to use?
  • Do you really need the additional speed?
  • Do your graphics, animation and/or other applications need a long time to load?
  • Can a simple upgrade do the work?
  • With laptop pricing down to $300, is it really a good idea for you to upgrade?  These may or may not be 'full' machines, check them carefully.  However, for general use, they are excellent.
  • With memory so inexpensive, will that make the life of your PC longer?

Only you can answer these questions, but for my money, upgrading has not resulted in any tangible results.  Why?

  • With research, learning what your old PC needs (and will work!) can be a confusing, time consuming and daunting task.
  • Newer software programs may bog down your upgraded PC significantly.
  • New hardware will be under warranty.
  • Newer equipment will likely have some features that will be a nice surprise for you.
  • Machines of all sorts are becoming smaller and more efficient.

If you are at all interested in upgrading to Windows 7, this is the link to determine the compatibility for your hardware and software.

Finding out the price for the software was a little bit of a challenge.  Funny how they manage to keep telling the virtues of the software, but giving the price is tricky.  I did find the price, at Microsoft's site, it started at $119 and went up from there.  Your price may vary (LOL, that is the usual statement, right?).  I did notice that Best Buy is offering a 3 PC use software package for $149, but that may be a very short time offer. 

You can review an 'overview' of some of the features here.  I am not selling Windows 7, but I must say that upon release of previous versions, there were so many bugs that it was insane.  This time, I have not heard about any bugs - - yet.


All things considered, it is usually prudent to go 'new' and recycle your machine.  My "PC Tips and Tricks" has some excellent information on recycling/repurposing your equipment.  That ebook has the best of the best tips and tricks and different than I am presenting to you in my blog.  So many of these tips are impossible to find elsewhere.

PC Problems and Solutions

Not even the most experienced and excellent engineer can create the 'perfect' program.  There are so many things that a programmer cannot foresee that it is important for issues with your computer to be brought to the attention of the manufacturer.  To this end, nearly every provider has a way to 'talk' with them about your problem.  In this discussion, I will show you how to get to Microsoft.  In this case, they do not answer your issue specifically, but if they have been advised of the issue and found a solution, they will let you know.

To begin, you will go to the Start Button and select "Help and Support." 


When you are in Help, type in "Problem Reports and Solutions." 



A list will be returned to you, and you are going to select "Report problems and check for solutions automatically."  Also, note that Microsoft has recommended - and I agree - that you need to check for updated information for this program.  Even if you just got your PC this morning, it has had to be manufactured, sent to the retailer, and await your money.  All that can be an undetermined amount of time.  So, if your pc is new or more mature, download the updated information.  I also recommend that you do this at least monthly, and do it now - - - I will wait - - -



OK, in this case, I am selecting the first option.  Next I will be using the "Change Settings." 



Notice that there is a new link called "Problem (s is missing, hmm. . .) caused by Windows."  While you are here, check this one out as well.  You may have a problem and not even know it.  I have a friend that does a newsletter that does not get sent to her Hotmail clients.  She only found out when she did some digging.  Hotmail is nearly 10% of her newsletter and they never received a single word from her!

To complete the process, be sure that the "Check" option is selected.



What is in it for you?  Well, you will automatically tell them you have a problem (when one actually occurs).  If there is a solution, they give you a link to it.  If there is no solution, your information is kept and if a solution comes available, you will hear from them.  That could be a short or long time later, but the good news is that they are being more proactive with help and support.  I can appreciate that a lot!

Best wishes to you and yours for a wonderful holiday season,



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