The Computerist Presents - Steampunk and other Freebies

What the heck is Steampunk?  Well, its called steampunk because it is a mix of steam powered era style and futuristic style, sort of as if the future happened in the past (if that makes any sense). Its punk because its a bit of that style thrown in. So really you can call anything that loo... [More]

Fabric Popped out of a Hoop? Re-Align It!

Here is how I recover almost designs that have hopped out of the hoop. 1. Walk away for a moment. Calm down and begin to work on getting it fixed. 2. Find some running stitches that are on a curve or angle. If you don't see any, you may need to remove some stitches covering them. For... [More]

Embroidery Advisor Presents Appealing Animal Apparel

Starbird Inc. has been dedicated to the embroidery industry for the past 25 years.  Our talented and educated staff has many combined years of embroidery digitizing experience.  Along with custom digitizing we also do stock designs which are all professionally digitized at our headquarters... [More]

You did that?

 Teaching an African Folklore Embroidery class is one of my favorite things to do. In the last few weeks, I have taught workshops at quilt guilds in Washington, Visalia, Long Beach and Covina. I have had all types of people in my classes, from people who have been quilting for many years, but n... [More]

Keeping It Simple - Quick Wristlet Just In Time for Spring

Wristlets are great if you have lots of other stuff to haul around (like kids and diaper bags and laptops...) and don't want the extra weight of a purse.  But after a hard winter the ones we have been using look pretty bad so I decided to surprise the girls with new ones this week.  I ... [More]

Control Key Information and Rogue Security Software

These tips can be used for Windows XP and Vista - Operating systems vary, if in doubt, check with your provider and/or technical support.  It seems like everyone needs to save time. It is just a fact of life these days.  The following "Control Key" list is to help you do just t... [More]

Let's Talk About Terry---Terrycloth, that is!

(Baby Bibs and Burps are now available at  Click here , also click here to vew other new blanks on special)   Just recently we’ve had two customers call us to let us know they were unhappy with our baby items.  They said they “fell apart” and t... [More]

A Free Calculator and Reverse Engineering a Design in AlphabetXpress

I have never been certain why Microsoft does not place a calculator on a computer screen. There are a number of them on the Internet, and I have one that I like for several reasons. For one, I can turn off or on the keyboard. With the keyboard off, I can just use my computer numeers. You can find it... [More]

Thread Doll with Tote - No Batteries Required!

       Make a HoneyBea Thread Doll set for your little Honey – No Batteries Required! When I was little, I loved the Betsy McCall paper doll in the back of McCall’s magazine, and I even cut out paper dolls from the pages of my Mother’s Sears Roebuck catalog.... [More]

Increasing Computer Speed - - - Leather and Lace and Alpha Xpress

I am a big fan of free computer software. Some of it is worth free and some of it is quite valuable. One that I like, and have found to be praised by many computer professionals is CCleaner by  This one has a very nice Pedigree - - If you are not using this software, you may wa... [More]

Threads from Africa- 30% off till Feb 9th

Thread colors and names inspired by African Savanah  From The COLORFUL world of African Folklore Embroidery we bring you a complete selection of multi-colored hand dyed variegated threads from House of Embroidery, South Africa.  Our exquisite hand-dyed threads are suitable for all types... [More]

Mural Painting- The Ndebele women-Creative Inspiration- Enter to win 4 African Folklore Embroidery kits

Mural Painting- The Ndebele women-Creative Inspiration- Enter to win 4 African Folklore Embroidery kits  While there are many tribes in Africa, the magnificent beadwork, doll- making and wall mural painting of the Ndebele tribe are a constant source of inspiration. The houses of the Ndebele... [More]

Embroidering Knits: Hooping is the Key

Embroidery on knits can be tricky, but the real secret is in the hooping.To get great results on knits, you must stabilize this stretchy fabric. You probably know that the text book rule for fabrics that stretch is to use a cutaway stabilizer.This should be followed, except in rare instances. If it ... [More]

World Wide Web, a Freebie and Hankies for Brides with Alpha Xpress

 You know that WWW stands for World Wide Web. Typing in WWW tells your browser that you are connecting to a Web server. However, as the Internet and related-technology evolved, prefixes became mostly unnecessary. But we are creatures of habit and many Websites use both WWW and non-WWW addresse... [More]

Back From the Workshop

Hello, Granners! It has been a while since I've been able to write to you, and I'm sorry about that. For the last year or so we've been working hard on some new products. But while products are under development I can't really tell you much about what we're doing.... [More]
The Avid Embroiderer Presents - Hope is not enough! Action is needed RIGHT NOW

The Avid Embroiderer Presents - Hope is not enough! Action is needed RIGHT NOW

Once again we are a country with unbridled hate and horror beyond imagination. 

A deranged child (18 years old does not make him an adult), with an automatic gun, ended the lives of many beautiful people. 

In place of my normal blog, I am repeating a blog from 2020, at the onset of the virus. The writer of the saying is Maya Angelou who is one of my favorite writers, speakers, and genteel woman in history. Her words have transcended time and humanity. 

If you missed this one in 2020, please download it and share it with someone you love. 

Contact your congressperson and demand that the automatic guns and heavily loaded magazines be removed from the hands of the public. Failure to act upon this issue is not an option. The NRA and gun owners have gotten away with this disaster long enough. All their arguments have not stopped a single death. 

I apologize for being too politically inclined but I am fed up with the nonsense some of these gun defenders spew. 

Stay safe & return for more Freebies and helpful tips. Thank you!
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