To Sir - With Love - Metallica Version!


It is just about that time of year when Mom's and Dad's are just a little happier and kids are just a little "uncertain."  If the truth were told, kids enjoyed summer but they are ready to get back to a routine that includes seeing and making friends and all the interesting things about school.

Words are indeed powerful.  The kids are making faces and saying things that belie the fact that school is the most important social event in their lives.  Along the way, they might just learn something, but to them, that is incidental.  Facebook and Twitter will never replace the smell of the chalk and the sounds of laughter.  And, when they send that huge bus for your little child, Mom's and Dad's have a lump in their throat that can only come once per year.

I love to create something for the school rooms that will add color and perhaps a little smile as well.  I have sent embroidered wall hangings to teachers who proudly display them.  These items can be specific, such as a reading area, general as an idea like Math Is Fun, or as generic as having the school name and mascot on it.  There are so many options that it is hard to decide what to create for your favorite student.

Here are a few of the designs I really liked but did not do for various reasons:

This first item has 23 separate color changes - - If I had time enough to do it, I would.  But it is more than I want to take on right now.

23 color changes


The next one is adorable, with just 8 color changes, it is doable.  However, I wanted something less specific. 

8 color changes


I thought this was a little on the scary side. 


11 color changes

So, I selected the following:

It's a Freebie and I liked the fact that it was similar to the playground in my school days.  That is rare!!

Schools have a financial burden that is difficult for most of them.  I planned to give it to the teacher of my granddaughter to add a little color to her room.

I selected each color to 'pop' off the fabric.  I did the bars in a light gold from this collection, Metallic Gold.  I have been using these metallics for some time now and find them to be superior to the metallics that were available just a few years ago.  I started using the metallics in small doses but have eventually been using them for larger and larger areas.  I am totally blown away by how well Madeira has made these perform so much better than before.  If you are still using older metallics, you can check out my blog on how to have good results with the older ones. 

I was challenged to create a generic child.  The above picture is a general resolution of what I wanted but my actual thread did vary somewhat.  I did make the skin tone on the medium to dark side with brown hair.  I want children to relate to the idea and we do feel more positive about the message when we see people who are 'like' us.

While I have not had the time to complete this project, you can see the final results:



AND, let me show you just how well this metallic thread does!!!  This Gryphon (there are 24 different spellings for Gryphon. . . . ) is not quite 1" (25mm) tall.


Here is this beauty, up close. Each strand of thread is working on every ray of light available!  And if you doubt that makes any difference, check this out!



What do you think?? 

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Comments (2) -

Love the metallic gryphon. Yes, it picks up every bit of light. I like your first design better. Yes, it is more thread changes, but I think it is a bit more generic. Between the crayons for the little ones, paint brushes and compass and of course a generic book. Just love it.

My humble opinion of course. Wink

Thank you for your humblest of opinions - LOL.

I am just delighted with that 'lighter' gold.  I have 4 different shades of gold metallic and this is my favorite.  However, each are terrific!

Pat, The Avid Embroiderer

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