Tips for Embroidering with Kids

Do you like to sew and embroider with your children or grandchildren? Since you will probably be spending more time with your youngsters or grands over the summer, these tips may come in handy!

It is fun to share your passions with those who are interested. Start them out young. Sharing an activity can be a lot of fun for you and them with a few considerations:

Choose an age-appropriate project.

A six-year-old won’t have a terribly long attention span so don’t make this an endurance event. Choose a project that stitches up quickly in the hoop (ITH) like a key fob they can attach to a jacket or backpack. Many bookmarks can be created ITH and freestanding lace is quite fascinating to stitch, although some designs can take quite a long time to stitch out.

For older children and teens, consider embroidering a shirt or jacket or creating a zip bag.

Let they pick out their fabric and thread colors.

It doesn’t matter if they match, this is their project. You’re making memories!

Prepare project pieces in advance.

If possible, gather everything you need before you sit down to stitch. Provide a selection of fabrics that they can choose from (not your entire stash!).

Let them touch buttons (under supervision).

Explain safety protocols and let your protégé touch buttons as you direct them. It will be big deal!

They can help with some steps.

ITH projects are perfect for little participants. Let them apply glue stick and smooth fabric in place.

Take lots of pictures!

This is supposed to be fun and there is a good chance that future projects will become a favorite activity.

Debbie Sewblest

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