Community Circle Thanks and Video Demonstrations

Friends With AnnHi, everyone! 

Well, I think I've recovered from our fabulous Community Circle! I want to thank everyone who attended as well as Diane and Pardeep for keeping things running smoothly and, of course, Greg, for overseeing everything. Thanks also to Eileen Roche for her terrific classes, great products and those questionable questions during our question and answer session at dinner. I fear that all of you who were there now know more about me than you ever wanted to know (or I ever wanted to tell you)! And how about the terrific deal on the new Brother machine? Thanks to George and Jewell from Brother for bringing the machines to us and showing all interested parties how to use them. Congratulations as well to Cathy Spencer, our very popular winner of the Brother PE-700 machine that was our big door prize! What a great story, that the one attendee who comes without a machine to go home to is the one to win it!Beamish Busy
I had such a special time meeting and eating with you. AnnTheGran has been around for nearly a dozen years now and I can't believe you all are still with me! Lets keep those tears I shed on the first day just between us, okay? I sure hope we can do this again. It was too much fun not to repeat!
Please, please keep in touch with each other and try to meet up every once in a while. The forums are a great place to do that! And by the Say Cheese!way, for those of you who watched Greg post on my behalf on Friday morning, that question about the life of thread is still mostly unanswered in the forum, even though we had some great answers in the room! It's not too late to go and answer it! Anyway, I know I'm going to be in contact with the Central Florida contingent and we're going to be planning some hi jinks. We do need to get out from behind our computers and machines once in a while!

We took lots of videotape at the event, much of which you'll be seeing up on the site in the coming weeks and months. Some of you mentioned that you'd like to see more video on our web site. Well, we are working on that, but in the meantime, I thought I'd send you a list of items for which we do have video now. All of the following links are product videos, but we are definitely planning to post some "non-salesy" video links as well. Also, if any of you have instructional video that you've posted on YouTube, let me know and we'll be happy to link to it from my site.

Here are some products that include video demos (sometimes you need to scroll down to the tabs to view the videos):

Alphabet Xpress lettering softwareStore Shot

Catalog Xpress software

Perfect Placement Kit

In The Hoop Kit

Perfect Towel Kit

Madeira Incredible Threadable Box

Madeira Thread Treasure Chest

Klasse Needle Value Pack

Happy CampersThat's all I have for you today. I'm still getting back into the swing of things after Community Circle, so if my correspondence is a little disrupted, I hope you'll forgive me. Keep sending in your projects to me at [email protected] and I'll keep posting them for all to see.

Talk to you soon!


Comments (5) -

alssweetheart 4/9/2008 12:17:04 AM

Community Circle 2008 in Orlando was absolutely wonderful!!! Those of you who attended know what a great time that event provided.  I definitely left with so many new ideas and information. Also it was so nice to talk with many of the other people there and interesting to find out where they were from and learn about what they were doing with embroidery.  What a treat it was to meet Ann, Eileen and Marie, they were just terrific and gave me alot of inspiration and some awesome information.  If you didn't attend this year, definitely plan on attending in 2009!!  I know that I wouldn't miss it!!

jalcumbrack 4/9/2008 3:26:55 PM

I am with you on that comment! I will not miss next years either.Everything ran so smoothly and everyone made learning fun for all. I was so inspired when I got home,but felt a little sad as well meeting and making sew many new friends and having to leave them behind. Gives us all something to look forward too next year! KUDOS to alssweatheart's comments.

What a great time we had.  Friends from the north meet friends from the south and we met and kept many new friends...  You can bet I will be signing up for next years as soon as it comes up...  

Ann - Great Job!!! You were fantastic and so was Eileen!!!  

Hey Bemish Boy and Ann - I am one of the happy campers and I would love a copy of this newletter to put in my "Ann The Gran" scrapbook.  

I have so many ideas for the tote bag - but the machine when south (in the shop now) and not sure when I will get it back - but it will make a wonderful memory tote - so when I get a machine I will do it anyway.

You guys are great

marciaelaine 4/23/2008 3:42:47 PM

We are trying to send the picture of our embroidered tote bag and keep getting a message that it won't accept the size we are sending, help, we have changed the size of the pic several times but still get the same message.  We can't figure out what we are doing wrong.  help

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