Introduction 5/10/08

Introduction 5/10/08

Introduction:  Tips and tricks and an occasional trap 5/10/08   Because I so enjoy talking about embroidery, I am planning to share information with readers of AnntheGranā€™s site about twice per month.  I hope you will find my topics interesting and useful for your creative hobby, embroidery. 

Did you know that Wal-Mart alone sells an average of 60 embroidery machines per store (7,000), per year?  Ann sells a very user-friendly Brother PE-700 here at her site as well.  You are part of a rapidly growing craft that has been in practice as long ago as 3000 BC. ā€“ That reminds me, I need to change my needle . .


Your grandmother, and those before her, created stitches and motifs such as Dresden from Germany, Eyelets possibly from the Czech area and Crewel/Whitework items from western Europe just to name a few. 


Today, with the computer leading the way, embroidery is changing at a rapid pace with fine artistry possible for those of us who cannot even draw a straight line.  It is exciting to be a part of this resurgence that is both fun and addicting.  You know you are addicted when you have withdrawal symptoms when your machine is in the shop, you spend your spare time looking for free designs   and feel social events are disruptive to your real passion!!! 


I am planning to cover things like:

Ā·         Free Standing Lace and some tips you will find to be very helpful

Ā·         Endless hooping for a pillow case or blanket edge

Ā·         Placement of designs relative to the size of a garment

Ā·         The latest trends in Monograms and ideas for using them

Ā·         Holiday projects including 3-D style decorations and gifts

Ā·         Heirlooms for generations to come

Ā·         Reinvent a design and taking the designers idea and recreate it for yourself

Ā·         Umbrella ideas that go beyond a parasol

Ā·         Patches for all sorts of garments, not just for your jeans

Ā·         Things to consider when thinking about a more complex machine

Ā·         Computer tips that will make your work easier

Ā·         And many more things too numerous to mention


What do you think of my plan?  Do you want to join me with ideas of your own?  Do you have questions that we, as a community, can really examine and resolve - - - or at least attempt to resolve? 



Coming up first, Stabilizers.  Mark your calendar and see it here on May 25. 



 Useful information:  Give your postings your personal touch, create your avatar, it is quick and easy.  Remember, registration for Annthegranā€™s site is free.  For even more savings, Ann's Club has great values for your embroidery needs.   







Comments (34) -

dottieburgess 5/10/2008 1:12:55 PM

I just tuned in-- I can't wait for your "forum"? to begin.  I am an avid embroderier and can't wait for new and better ways to do it. Dottie

Thanks Dottie - I look forward to sharing and learning too.  I enjoy doing both and know it is going to be a lot of fun.


tommieann58 5/10/2008 2:08:39 PM

Thank you !     I like to embroidery and up for any new  ways to do it. Right now I just got into  Free standing lace especially Butterflies. My teenage grandaughters want Lace butterflies put on their jeans.  I am  new at this  and wouldl ike any tips you have.

                             Tommie  Ann Peeler

What great ideas. I am looking forward to this and have my calendar markaed.

Thank you for all the great ideas and news.

I am excited about this blog.  I embroider often, and am always thinking about different effects and methods.  Thank you.

I too am excited about this new blog.  Can't wait for the start.  Thanks for the great ideas and I am looking forward to reading about the different techniques and I am also happy to find I can send if questions if I have them.  Thanks for being part of this group. Linda

travelbug1237 5/10/2008 8:10:47 PM

Pat, ( Love that FANCY P!!!!)

  I LOVE your blog!!!

It is SO organized and NEAT to read with the wonderful bullets etc.

  It's going to be SO great to learn from you!!!!


I am SO looking forward to your new blog as I have just begun to embroider on my new Innovis 1200 sewing machine, and wish to learn a lot of tricks of the trade. Betty.

Thanks for all the encouragement and good wishes!  Learning is a two way streeet and I expect to find something new around every corner.

If you have not checked out the other NEW BLOG, it is at:">

What a great community this is.  Embroiderers rock!

Dear Pat, Thank so much for taking on this role! I feel like I'm back in a sewing club. I can't wait to learn along the way with your tips. Even though we are far apart it's like we are all back together in Orlando at the Event!


Hello Pat.  I have read some of your comments posted throughout the site and was impressed with your explanations.  I will be looking forward to your tips on the upcoming projects you will be presenting.  Picked a few to look out for in the comming months.  Good Luck.


I am pleased to see the new forum and look forward to your topics. I also began sewing at an early age and am new  to embroidery. I caught on  to the machine, but the software has been a struggle. I am not computer savvy so using the software has been hard.  hope you keep your discussions at a level that i will be able to follow. There are a lot of us grandmothers that are embroidering now!!

looking forward to your blog.   I've done fairly well on my own, with a new machine, but definitly will enjoy benefiting from experienced insight to this craft.

One of the topics, not yet noted in my blog, will be about how to keep those addiction to ME costs down where possible.

I have some tips for that as well as computer tricks that will help you save time so you can ME more!  LOL

I have so many topics that it is hard to know where to start.  If you have some things you might be interested in for earlier discussion, please post it here in the blog itself so others can concur or add their own concerns.

I look forward to your input to guide me to important and interesting topics.


laurgassman 5/11/2008 3:43:35 PM

I am so pleased that Ann emailed me your blog site.  I too look forward to expanding my expertise (!?!) in ME.  This is so much fun!  Thank you for doing this.

Great start to your blog, Pat! Everyone else in the community is definitely in for a treat with your posts -- fun, insightful, and informative. I loved the idea of you linking to particularly helpful posts -- I think that's a practice all of our bloggers should follow (me included), so I'll try to make sure we all do more of that.

serenemachine2 5/11/2008 6:07:22 PM

Wow look at all these responsies!!!  That is great.  I WOuld like more info on what stabilizer to use for what fabric and what type of design.  A very confusing subject for me!!   lol  Can't believe the messes I have made.

Gee beemish, blush, I just enjoy sharing things.  

Watch this spot, I will be learning a lot from all these great readers too.  One cannot teach without learning at the same time.  Life is wonderfully like that.


Great idea Pat.  I look forward to checking out your forum as time progresses!


Great start Pat cant wait to see more!!!

It will be good to have some one to talk to about useing my Hus sewing machine. I  am looking forward to this.

What a great sight. I am new to blogging so if I make any mistakes... sorry in advance... I have a Brother PR 600II and love using it.

thanks Pat for this blog.


So looking forward to learning all the things you've mentioned, plus!!  I'm new to bloggin, too, so forgive me in advance for any blunders!!  I LUV embroidery!!

Blunders welcome - they help us to learn and grow.

This is the best addiction I have ever found, it is legal and not fattening....LOL


I am also new to embroidering.  Have sewn since I was 14 yrs. old.  I am practicing so am being conservative about buying so many items.  It cost to get started.  I have a Babylock Emore machine.  It is great & yet I am prohibited I think.  I am just learning to download designs.  I have XP 2002 but have downloaded a zip file for free but now not sure I needed that.  Could you help?  I need to purchase the full zip version instead of the free version for 45 days.  It is getting close. Thanks so much


Here is the name of a site that has some Freeware for Zip files, as well as other great software.

Google that name and it will take you to a site where there are truly free software.  Freeware never has a charge but normally requests donations.

When I get freeware, I use it for a while and then decide on an appropriate donation amount.  I personally want to be paid for my efforts and work and feel that a few dollars to the creator is appropriate for me.

For instance, this software is generally $30.00.  If I were to make a donation, I would send between 20 to 50% for its use.


Thanks,  I have been machine embroidering for 10 years and I still have a ton of questions. My head is swimming with confussion about all the new products.  I welcome a place to get answers.  Jane

ceramickids 5/17/2008 2:27:38 PM

Thank  You for any information you give to us. I am new at embroidery, and need all the help I can get !!

Information apprecated !!

I believe it is not the time you put into your embroidery, but it is more the things you learn along the way that make your creations terriffic.

I will have a Blog on stabilizers on May 25, IMHO, which is a major cause of poor results.   I have been preparing and researching a lot of opinions and  "professional" statements with great interest.

See what I come up with on the 25th!


Can't wait to see what you are going to offer!

Just joined and am excited to  be a member Smile

I spent bout 2 hours looking for you on Tuesday ....... will there always be a link to you on the Home Page? The link may have always been there, I may have just missed it. However I did a search for The Avid Embroiderer on the website and came up empty handed. I felt like I found a hidden treasure today!

Hi everyone  I live in the boonies and it will be wonderful to read all the good stuff that I can read and learn-I have sooooo much to learn about machine embroidery -and might even have some things to share also -Im even hoping to meet some of you in person?    Brit in Texas

Would love to see more digitizers use only 6 colors. There are a lot of us out here who have PR600s. I would also like to learn how to use different types of thread with my machine.  My passion is to incorporate embroideries into quilt designs. I get so board with plain old squares.

I felt the same way SPARKYTOO, this is a TREASURE, so informative, everyone so kind and helpful, your making me feel more comfortable with my machine, and embroidery designs, Thanks

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