Back to School, TGIBTS

[View:/cs/cfs-file.ashx/__key/CommunityServer.Blogs.Components.WeblogFiles/avid-embroiderer.Back+2+School+2010/]It may be true that in the spring, a young man's fancy lightly turns to thoughts of love.  However, it is autumn that has a parental dance called, Thank Goodness it is Back to School.

There are a number of reasons for this happy foxtrot.  For one thing, the kids actually have survived a summer of boredom and sleeping until noon.  The merchants are happy to sell you the latest fad, and football is about to be in full swing.  Let's make an apple pie! - - - or not.

Everyone thinks in terms of the children.  They need clothes, supplies, and hundreds of dollars in fees, books and activities.  Who thinks of the teachers?  They are the guardians of those minds.  They are the leader of the treks to the zoo.  They are the playground referees.  They should get something special for starting a new year of challenges.

I like to give the teacher, for his or her classroom, a positive, embroidered statement.  In the past I have done:

  • Cross your eyes and dot your t's
  • As long as there are tests, there will be prayer in school
  • Completely under control - more or less!
  • Kid-tested parent-approved  #1 teacher 

I am going to make this one with a piece of scrap.  I do want to frame it, and an 8" by 10" frame is just fine, I don't need something expensive.

A week or so ago, I ran out of my favorite adhesive stabilizer.  It is Ann's Water Soluble Adhesive Stabilizer.   I stopped at  my favorite local embroidery store and picked up a well known brand of Water Soluble Stabilizer.  What a shock!  It left an awful, slimy mess that clung to the fabric.  I left it over night, still I had this gooey mess.  If you want to know the name, my email is in my profile.  ATG encourages me NOT to specifically single out a competitors product and say it is bad.  However, IMHO, this stuff is really bad!  I have my ATG stabilizer on order now!!  Their price - $38.00, ATG's price - $19.99 (with Club Membership or $39.99 without the membership). 

Anyway, I did not need adhesive or WS stabilizer for this one, I just had to let you know that some products are absolutely worth the price, and some are not. 

Next, I selected a design.  I want to be able to have this owned by a male or female teacher, including their aids, et al. 


Next, I wanted to get a new font, and one thing I have noticed is that some innovative digitizers are creating their letters in multiple sizes.  What a great thing for embroiderers.  We use the software that allows us to create different sizes, but sometimes we want something different.  Enter, small, innovative entrepreneurs. 

The font I selected is Maddison.  It has:

  • 5 sizes, .75", 1", 1.25", 2" and 3" 
  • Upper and lower cases
  • Numbers
  • !, ? . , -  (It does need a '/')

I want to use a positive statement - I think they are very important in the classroom.  So, here is my selection:

Teachers Measure UP!

The "Teachers Measure" was done in the .75" and the UP done in 1.5."  Since the work was already done for me, it was fast and easy.

I love embroidery, and hope you are inspired to do something for a teacher.  It does not have to be a holiday or the beginning or ending of the school year to give them something they can keep in their classrooms.  Surprise them at an odd time.  I love these sorts of surprises, don't you?

I do have a freebie for you this time, and you are going to love it!!!  It does not include the lettering, but I thought it was a great appliique. 

 I can see this on a Trick or Treat Bag or a sign on your door to welcome all the little friends.


Here are a few of the ‘funny lines' I have collected over the years:

  • My blackberry made me do it.
  • Don't hate me because I know how to spell  (or) punctuate  (or) do math
  • I'm confused (next line) wait - - (next line) maybe I'm not
  • I luv my stewdunts
  • I don't have A.D.D., you're boring
  • OK if I have my blackberry gets back to you on that?
  • I souport publik edekason
  • I haite speling tessts
  • Graduate of Crazy Al's Teaching College
  • Reading is where imagination begins!
  • Who told you teachers were fond of apples? (we prefer cash instead).
  • Attitudes adjusted while you wait
  • I failed science last year because I didn't know Pluto was a planet, this year I would have passed.
  • I don't believe in miracles, I depend on them.
  • Your public education tax dollars at work.
  • Completely under control - more or less!
  • Whoever said there was no such things as a stupid question never taught 7th grade.
  • Happens in preschool stays in preschool.
  • Save Pluto textbooks are expensive.
  • I haven't failed I've just deferred success.
  • Kid-tested parent-approved  #1 teacher
  • Teacher believe - children achieve
  • Save the Planet, it's the only place with chocolate.
  • Teachers measure up
  • Instant teacher just add coffee
  • Size does matter, just ask Pluto
  • Its OK Pluto, I am not a planet either.
  • Pluto, the tribe has spoken.
  • Teachers make other professions possible
  • Librarian, the original search engine
  • I am a librarian; don't make me shush your ass.
  • Wit: a smart person's weapon against ignorance (next line) Librarian: a person fighting ignorance (next line) Witty librarian, a smart ass
  • What happens in the library, stays in the library.
  • Librarians are masters of the world don't piss one off.
  • When is recess?
  • You can't scare me, I am a teacher
  • 4/3 people have problems with fractions.


Comments (4) -

bobbieann09 9/4/2010 11:56:42 AM

Thanks for the sayings and your embroidery/article are great!

Bobbie T.

jennileedigistitches 9/4/2010 3:47:57 PM

I love the idea for the teacher gifts! I am definitelyy going to have to use one of the quotes you mentioned. I love this one: As long as there are tests, there will be prayer in school. ;)

You are absolutley right about stabilizers! Not all are created equal. I'd rather pay top dollar for quality then to suffer with low quality anything. ;)



susanitaq8 9/4/2010 6:20:26 PM

thanks for the sayings and the idea,i like the teacher design is it available in ATG website?



Hi all!  I don't remember where I got that particular design (like most of my designs)!

However, if you check this link:">  You will find more designs than you can use!

I like to also remind others that we all bought outfits when they were 5 days old that they never could wear out.  Now is the time, if it is possible, to find an outfit for a grandchild.  It can absolutely make you feel wonderful!

Hope you like the freebie.  I think it is terrific!  The sayings still make me chuckle.  


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