The Quickest Fall Decorating Ever

Nothing like needing something at the last minute to make your heart race a little, right?  A few days ago a friend came and asked me to do some table decorations for a senior's luncheon.  "When do you need them?" I asked.  "The luncheon is on Friday." came the answer.  Now this was Wednesday evening that we were having this conversation so not much time.  It really wasn't her fault, as the person who had originally volunteered had been called away unexpectedly.  So, I agreed to do something as long as it could be really simple.  A few mums, clay pots dressed with ribbon I was thinking, but it didn't look quite finished.  So I made some little felt pumpkins and ghosts to stick in the pots and delivered them on Thursday night.  Here's some of the extra ones that I put on my porch.

Here is what you need to make two of either the pumpkins or the ghosts :

Stabilizer - I used wash away because I am out of tear away but I think almost any type would work.

Two rectangles felt 6" X 4.5" (Orange for the pumpkins and white for the ghosts)

Embroidery Thread (Orange and green for the pumpkins and black for the ghosts)

Bobbins wound with the same thread you will use on top for each color

Lapel stick or temporary adhesive

The Pumpkin or the ghost design which you can download below.

Two kabob sticks or thin dowel rods 10" long.

Craft glue

Ribbon if desired.

What you do to make the pumkins:

1.  Hoop the stabilizer only.

2.  Sew the first color (in orange)

3.  Remove the hoop from the machine and place on a flat surface.  Put a little temporary glue on the corners of  one felt rectangle and place it on the back of the hoop making sure that all the stitching is covered.  Turn the hoop over and repeat for the other felt rectangle on the front.

4.  Slide the hoop back onto the machine carefully making sure the back felt stays in place. 

Embroider the next two colors for the pumpkins  using orange.

5.  Change the bobbin and top threads to green and embroider the last color.

6.  Remove from the hoop.  Carefully cut around the outside of the designs.

7.  Using the sharp point of small scissors cut a small slit close to the bottom of one side of the pumpkin.

8.  Put a little craft glue on the stick and insert into the slit.  Let dry and add ribbon if desired.  Poke one or more in a pot of mums and you have a cute table decoration in no time at all. Or decorate the porch like I did - there's still time.

Click here to get the little ghost and the pumpkin. 

Here are some links to other fall blogs in case you missed them in years past.

Easy Runners for Small Places

Spiders, Ruffles and Ghosts

Easy Tutus and Black Cats

Halloween Masks for My Pumpkins

Halloween Costumes

A Dancing Princess

I think they all have a free design to download for your library.

Here's what our girls will be this year - a cowgirl, a ladybug and a bumble bee (She absolutely hates bugs so go figure - she wanted to wear "thingys" - antenna's)



The ladybug design is from ATG Summer flights (I only sewed part of the design.) For the lady bug and bumble bee wings I just made appliqe ovals in my embroidery software and then sewed them together.  I sewed yellow ribbon on a black tee and made those bee antennas out of a headband, pipecleaners and pom poms.  The dots on the lady bug are cut from felt and her antennas we found in a bargin bin.  The cowgirl outfit is made from vinyl remnants and a couple of leftover scrapbook embellishments. 

I hope everyone has a safe and happy Halloween.

Take care,



Comments (2) -

Another excellent idea for us!  Thank you.  

I agree that using wss is just fine when you are out of anything else.  I do it all the time!

Pat, The Avid Embroiderer

What a cute idea.  If you don't have any felt you could use any fabric with a heavy cutaway.  The cutaway would give it body.


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LaRueSews-Your Wish Is My Command

LaRueSews-Your Wish Is My Command

Hi Everyone.  It’s been a few weeks since I met you here at LaRueSews-Quilts.  I’ve taken a little time off to re-group, rest and plan.  Now as you asked, it’s time to announce the LaRueSews Block of the Month.  I will go along with the government and provide an acronym to go along with it, LSBOM.  That’s it LSBOM.  Does that make it sound more official?SmileWink

This is how it will work: I have planned a Sampler quilt using the Quilt Design Wizard that I have talked about in the past.  I have chosen twelve blocks, added fabrics and made a materials list. 

Beginning with this BLOG, I have changed from posting every two weeks, to posting every three weeks.  Each time, I will add a block, or maybe two blocks to your growing quilt.  I suggest that you buy your fabrics all at once, at first, to avoid missing out on some fabric that you love if it sells out at your shop.   I have chosen ten fabrics for my quilt.  You may choose similar fabrics, or you may choose another color scheme.  You may also combine some similar colors, such as the off-white fabrics.  Each block will be posted with rotary cutter directions and no further instructions.  You are on your own.  However, the Quilt Design Wizard is still available through Ann The Gran.  You may purchase it and find further instruction for each block in the LSBOM and much more QDW has instructions for each block with rotary cutter, and foundation instruction as well as much, much more.  QDW has excellent instruction for beginners and is a valuable tool in learning to quilt.  I will also be available through LaRueSews comments to answer any and all questions.  I encourage you to speak up.

Quilt Design Wizard

At any time, you may ask for help.  Each time you finish a block, I encourage you to post it in the ATG galleries.  At the end, after all twelve blocks have been posted I will provide instruction for adding borders, as well as finishing the quilt.  When you have all finished your quilt TOP, (no need to have it quilted), all the finished quilt tops will be posted on the galleries.  The members who have participated by making the entire quilt may vote for a winner.  The winner and runner-up will be awarded prizes in merchandise exchange from Ann the Gran. 
I do, however, need all of you who decide to participate to let me know that you are doing the BOM so that I will have a list. You can tell me through the comments or my email address.  I want to keep track of all my quilters. ;o)

This is a list of the fabrics you will need:


The list shows the fabrics, the number of patches cut from each fabric, and the yardage for each.  The number of patches is the amount of patches, not the size.  It is a good idea to purchase a little more of each, just to be safe.

I am giving you two blocks to begin with, because they are similar ,but the second one is slightly more challenging.  The 9-Patch block and the Double Four patch.  Rotary cutting directions are included.

Block 1

Block 2

I hope you will enjoy this new project.  I will make these two block and post photos next time.  However, I am going to make it scrappy, because I have Soooo many fat quarters, I need to use some of them.

Stitches to you,

Comments (21) -

Hi LaRue,

My name is Sandra and am very new to quilting.  Your Block of the Month looks like it would be so fun to do.  Forgive me if I ask silly questions.  Do I print out the pattern from this page?  It looks so small and I can't read the sizes to cut the fabrics.  Thank you for any help or suggestions.


Looks interesting.

This sounds like a lot of fun, LaRue.  Thank you.

I have EQ6 so I do not want to purchase the wizard but it is difficult to see the colours and the sizes on my monitor - is it possible to list the colours and the sizes?  I'm not sure if one of the colours is dark blue or green.   I'm pretty sure the nine patch is made up of 4.5 inch squares but I can't determine the sizes of the pieces in the double four patch without doing a lot of math and I'm just too lazy <grin>.  I hope I can find the time to participate in the fun.


Bigger print on the pictures is definitely better, LOL.  Enlarging it just made it blurry and still useless.  I would appreciate clearer dimensions for the double four patch and for future blocks.  Thanks.

I would like to participate, but I too can not get a clear picture of materials or cutting sizes. Thank you.


Am rather new to quilting, but would love to participate. Can not purchase the QDW at this time. Larger pictures would certainly make this endeavor easier and reduce the chance for error.

Ready for fun,


Commentors:  I just navigated away from a lengthy answer to the questions above.  Sorry, but I need to put off re-doing it right now.  I need to go an a "friend's mission".


Sandra, rjane, Joan, sewchicago, mgarvey, and nursie,

I will try to answer your questions together, since they are almost all similar.  Sorry I had to put it off until now.

You will need to print the patterns so that you can read them.  I'm sorry I didn't check that out.  Just select the text and patterns beginning  just above the materials list to just below the double four patch. ie.  Left click above the left corner of the materials list and drag down to just below the double four patch.  The selection will turn blue to indicate selection.  Go to File menu, click on print.  A box will appear,.  In the Page Range box, click on Selection, that will  keep from printing the entire blog and comments.  Then click on Print.  When the pages are printed, you should be able to read directions.

The patch measurments on the double nine patch square are 3 1/2" for the small patches, and 6 1/2 for the large patches.

It would probably be a good idea to keep your printed patterns in a file forler or large envelope for future use.

I am keeping a list of all those who are participating.  If you have commented here, but will not be makiing the quilt please let me know.  I'd like to keep track of anyone participating.

Stitches . .


Sveny-You can convert the above instructions to a PDF file in order to have it be larger and therefore, able to read.  Right click; "Conversion to PDF File".  Once completed, click on conversion and it will be viewed at 100% (same of this page); however, go to toolbar and click on larger page size to suit your needs.  Joan

I love quilts but feel like it is too much work.  

This might be good since you don't have to work on it continuously.



You don't have to work on any quilt continuously.  Any quilt can be sewn at you convenience.  Just use a box or plastic bin to keep all supplies for each quilt and work on it whenever the mood strikes.  I hope you will join us in the project.  Thank you for your comment.


Hi all of you LaRueSews readers.  i just wanted to give you a link to the Quilt Design Wizard home page.   You can see what it's all aabout and get some idea of the advantage it would give you in learning how to quilt and planning each new quilt.">

Taka a look and see if it will help you.


Addendum to my printing instruction:  When you get the printing box, and click on selection, then go to Preferences and Effects.  In Effects, you can change the printing size of the printed material.

Also, someone asked what color the dark fabric in the Double Nine Patch is.  That color is royal to dark blue.


LaRue is back in town, after being gone for a week.  Be glad to talk to anyone who is interested in BOM.

Stitches to you,


I'm going to save the instructions and work on it after my move from Wisconsin to Alabama.  It's gonna take about 2 more months of back-and-forth trips to get moved since we're going slowly after my DH's open-heart surgery in July.  Please say that's OK!  I've never quilted, and I really want to learn -- and this looks like FUN!!!!

  Debbie J.

vanvuurenannamarie 9/19/2009 9:41:14 AM

I am new on the blogging stuff, Iwould like to participat e in block of the month. Can I get the previous block of the mystery quilt?. Annamarie from South Africa.

I am going to do your BOM LaRue.  It looks like fun!

***I have trouble addressing comments with no other name than yourscreen name.  Can you all please let me know your first name or some other nickname to address all of you.


Debbie, Good luck with your move.  Let me know whe you get settled.  I too, am in Alabama.


The blocks on this blog are the first two blocks in the BOM.  I will put you name of my list of participants.  Have fun with it.


Glad to know you are with us, please tell me you name so I can add it to my list.  

Stitches . .


I would like to be part of t his group, but I can't promise to be vigilant.  My dh has major health problems and he is my priority.  It seems that doing a block at a time, with no pressure,  could be very pleasant for me and may even encourage me to finish my UFO quilts.  


Jeanne in Mass.

I just found this, (I am not very observant these days), anyway I am going to try making this quilt.  I have some experience and hope I can remember to check the computer.  My silly question is as the blocks are made are they sewn together at that time or wait until all 12 blocks are completed to sew the top together?

I have a list of names of who are doing the BOM.  But I need to make an email list of everyone, and I'll try to notify everyone when it comes out.  I would just keep all the blocks until you finish.  At the end, I'll give finishing instruction, and I may give an option of putting it together with sashing.  Some may want to do it that way.    NOt a silly question at all.  Make sure you go back and get the first two blocks on my last blog. Glad to have you with us.


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