Keeping It Simple – Easy Fall Mug Mats

Happy September everyone.  Today I have a quick project and set of free fall leaf designs to kick off autumn.  The simple mug mats were going to be what I made last year for my girls group gifts when it was my turn to host.  Due to a family commitment I had to drop out of this group for a while so the idea never came into reality.  Now I have another reason to make some quick Fall hostess gifts and since I have LOTS of scraps and not much free time I decided to make these.  Here is the first one that I made in just a few minutes:

Here is what you need:

Three coordinating scraps of fabric about 7”X8” in size.

Scrap of batting about 7”X8” in size

Mug Mat leaf design (you can download this one at the bottom of the blog)

Cutaway stabilizer

Coordinating embroidery thread and matching bobbin

Lapel stick or another temporary adhesive

Pinking shears

Here is what you do:

  1. Hoop the soft cut-a-way stabilizer in your hoop.

  2. Load the design and sew the first color run on the stabilizer.        


3. Remove the hoop flip it over and using a little temporary adhesive (Lapel Sticks are great for this) adhere the corners of your back piece with right side facing you making sure to cover the design completely.

4.Flip the hoop over and adhere the batting and then the front bottom rectangle of fabric facing up.  

5.Carefully slid the hoop back on the machine and sew the second color run.  Do not cut anything yet.

6. Sew the third color run.  Remove the hoop and adhere the front top, face up, covering the design completely. 

7. Sew the fourth run and fifth pattern fill color run.  Carefully slide the hoop off and cut just around the front top design stitching using small embroidery snips or scissors.

8. Sew the final color run.  Remove the design from the hoop.  Use pinking shears to trim around the outside of the design.




The open fill stitch sets it off perfectly and they are so quick and easy to make.  Perfect for “the girls”, teachers, school bazar items, etc.  Or just make a few and toss them around the table center as a Fall accent.  I have included a larger size that I made as well for those who have a larger hoop.  The larger one makes a good hot mat for serving or hostess gift.  Just for fun!

Take care,


Mug Mat (61.6KB)

Mug Mat large (43.1KB)

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Keeping It Simple - Halloween Costumes

Keeping It Simple - Halloween Costumes

Halloween is closer than you think! I always get excited now that I have two granddaughters to watch. It makes the holiday so much more fun.  I love listening to the older one tell me what she wants to be and deciding for her sister. Last year they were invited to a party. We had a great time coming up with costumes that were easy to make.  Of course you know we had to sew and use some embroidery.  The oldest had very specific ideas about what her costume would look like but we got to be a bit more creative with the little one's outfit.  They danced all around and gave the people at the party quite a show!

Here are their costumes from last year (I am not supposed to have this year's done yet am I?  The oldest keeps changing her mind on what she wants to be anyway.)

 Halloween costum 1Halloween costum 2Halloween costum 3

For the little one's costume I used:

  • Leftover pink ribbon about 18" of ¾".
  • Leftover pink ribbon about 1.5 yd of ¼".
  • An old stretch lace headband from when she was younger.
  • A green onsey that I got in the clearance bin for $1.00.
  • Fabric glue.
  • Embroidered Free standing daisies -see the link below to download my daisies.
  • Embroidered butterfly for wings - I am not sure where I got this design but you can use any large one you like.

Here is what I did:

  1. Sewed out a bunch of daisies on Annthegran Water Soluble Stabilizer (Badgemaster works as well or water soluble).
  2. Sprits the finished daisies with water in a spray bottle to remove the stabilizer around the designs.  You want most of it to stay in the daisies to keep them stiff.  Lay flat to dry and place an old book on top to keep them from curling up unless you like that look.
  3. Cut one ribbon length of the ¾" pink ribbon long enough to go around the waist and tie in a bow in the back.
  4. Cut varying lengths of the ¼" pink ribbon and sew them to the waist piece at 1.5 - 2" intervals as far around as you like.  We only did the front since Anna did not like to sit on things and she did not walk yet.
  5. Use fabric glue (or good craft glue) to glue the daisies to the ends of the ¼" ribbon.
  6. Glue daisies to the headband as desired.
  7. Embroider the large butterfly on felt and cut out closely around the edges.  Sew to back of the onsey.

Click here to download the daisies designs.

For the butterfly fairy skirt we just folded glittery tulle in half and sewed the raw edges of the short ends.  Turned to create a wide bag-like piece and gathered the raw edges on a ribbon measured to tie around her waist.  We cut the bottom layers in tulip shapes added hot crystals for additional glitter.  She had the crown and we got the wings for almost nothing and added glitter and hot crystals. (I made wings another year when she was an angel out of some sheer flowers found in the clearance bin at Hobby Lobby for $.50 and an old feather boa piece I had leftover from a purse project.

I hope you all enjoy your Halloween this year have fun to watching all the little ones all dressed up. The excitement that comes with this day will make almost any child shine with glee.  If you have little ones, enjoy every minute of it. They all too soon outgrow the fun of trick-or-treating. If you don't have little ones around, find a way to enjoy yourself with your friends or family.   There is no rule that says this is a holiday just for kids.  As for me, I had better get those girls to decide for this year so I can get them underway.

Take care,


Comments (4) -

thecomputerist 9/12/2009 10:18:26 PM

Beautiful little one.


Very cute and simple costumes.  Do you have any simple ideas for boys.  My son's birthday is the 29th so I see lots of combined parties with Halloween.  He will be two this year but I'm open to all ideas, even if for a little older child.  Thanks!

catherinecraggs 4/11/2011 2:42:33 PM

Hi,  Daisies download in pes say's cant read file

I love this as much the second time around as I did the first!!

Pat, The Avid Embroiderer

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