The Avid Embroiderer Presents - A little 3D for an interesting touch.

I have always loved the 'boxed frames' where you can put small items into the frame for hanging.  I especially like to place mementos into the frame to remember a great trip or just an ordinary day.

Photo Courtesy of Pinterest (where else??) and Rachel Ray

I wanted to do a simple floral for this project.  I was thinking about Mother's Day coming up, and any time you want to give of your talents and heart.  I also see this as a wonderful little girl design for her room.  I can also see a boy's design with a fire truck or airplane (this is too sexist) and even a great garden piece for that boy.

For this project, I wanted to select something really simple.  I did have an old design that was nothing more than an outline of a branch with flowers on it.

I was using silk/plastic flowers.  I had to trim nearly everything off the stem so that it would lay flat.  I did more trimming after I took this photo.

My camera is being very bad, but I hope you get the idea.  Adding 3D items to an embroidery can be fun.  Just a small drop of glue and you are in business.

Here are a couple of great ideas for Mother's Day, just around the corner:
(Click on the design picture to go to the information for the design.)

This week, there is an excellent sale on Mom Style Designs - It is 80% off❣❣❣

Let's not forget the boys who are in our lives!  I think this one would be great with his Name, Number and Team Name.  Then, on the frame, place two hooks for hanging his hat and glove.  Great!

This is why I love embroidery, it is personal, person to person with love.

Agnes is my favorite character from the Despicable Me movies!!

Agnes and I are both short, but not on love and happiness.

As many of you know, my grandson is Autistic.  This is a particularly good article -20 Things Children with Autism Want to Tell You   It is a 5 minute read that helps us all understand what these children AND adults go through.  I am attempting to raise some funds to help my grandson.  Please email me for the URL to contribute, if you so chose.  [email protected]

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