Two More Really Terrific Free Software Programs


The following tips can be used for both Windows XP and Vista.
Operating systems vary, if in doubt, check with your provider and/or technical support.

I had a lot of difficulty with my Adobe Reader recently.  All things considered, it was a very bad situation and I wanted to drop kick the entire program out of my laptop.

After working with a technician at HP for too long, he suggested that I try "Foxit Reader."  After downloading this free software, all my issues disappeared.  I cannot say it enough, a problem that persisted for 6 weeks was gone and I was so elated.  And, to add joy to the situation, it is faster than Adobe!

Here is a portion of a review from the site and if you want to read the remainder, check the download site:  

Reviewed by: Seth Rosenblatt on December 08, 2008

To put it gently, Adobe Reader is a real pain in the hindquarters. It's monstrously large, slow to load, and includes many features most users will hardly ever need. Foxit PDF Reader 3.0 kills the bloat and throws in some useful features, such as multimedia support and content-sharing options, while still allowing you to quickly access your PDFs.

Believe me, Adobe may have the lion's share of the Internet's pdf documentation, but that does not make it the best. 


My second ‘find' is a really full featured photo editing software.  There are a number of good ones on the Net, but this one has several advantages, the best of which is that you DON'T DOWNLOAD IT AT ALL.

You use it on the Internet, so it does not add a zillion new files to your already overcrowded hard drive.  

Techies have believed for some time that eventually no one will have software on the computers in the future.  There are several reasons for that:

  • Software has become more and more complex and ‘bloated' (where did I just hear that term?)
  • Software always has a quirk or two (just ask Microsoft. . . ) that have to be patched or repaired. Doing it on the Internet will benefit all users at once.
  • You will still "buy" the use of some software, you just won't have it on your pc.

There are other good reasons, so try to keep an open mind, because it is in the future - date unknown.

My new recommendation is Aviary.  The features of this program are so very lengthy, that even if you are not looking for a new photo program, you will want to look at what is available.  You may find something you cannot live without; maybe your software has it too, but you have not yet discovered it.

I am going to be doing some tutorials on this software for your use with embroidery in mind.  So, you have a project, but you cannot seem to get a good photo of it, I am going to (attempt) help you share your photos and/or projects.

Here is one thing that I will be teaching and working on:

Addi and Cameron Diaz

Here is Cameron Diaz admiring my granddaughter Addi enjoying the very last kernel of corn.  Obviously, this is my first attempt and it leaves a lot to be desired, but there was a lot to understand and I am pleased with my first layer project. 

Learn about layers and what they can do for your photo.  Learn about how to make your photo seem 3D.  I hope you will join me, because I cannot wait to make interesting photos.

For more ideas on how to take a great photo check these out: Party Tips and Tricks,  Composing a Photo and Resizing a Photo.

Check out the Catalog Xpress, the best design organization program on the market AND, it is 50% off.  Support where you learn.

These layered projects will be especially great for you who are Scrapbook Fans!


Comments (3) -

i can't afford to buy embird for my new computer after the last one was stolen. i ran out of my trial period on another similar program. what program is either free or very inexpensive that i can use to change design formats and sizes? thanks

i have the same problem.  help.

i would like to know a free program like embird, too.

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The Avid Embroiderer Presents – Does this go on my permanent record? And a Freebie to keep forever.

The Avid Embroiderer Presents – Does this go on my permanent record? And a Freebie to keep forever.

With all the old jokes about 'permanent record,' I would have been the kid who worried about such things. Then again, I worried about 'snowdays' and if I missed school, would I still get perfect attendance? (I did, 3 years.)

Recently, I have been thinking a little more about my wardrobe. I decided that I don't want to wear 'little ole lady outfits.' I want to have something that is age appropriate but also classy and classic.

What do both of those things have in common? (besides me)? Well, I think that not every embroidered item in my life has to be permanent. Therefore, one of my newest items will have something I really love but, it is not going to be sewn directly on the fabric. Instead, I am going to create a 'vignette' of a sort and hand sew it where I want it to be.

The versatility will be phenomenal and I am excited to give this a try.

This is one of Ann's Freebies that I have adjusted to suit my project. My design is not technically an applique, it is more of a 'stand alone' design. Therefore, the surrounding satin stitches are actually at the end. I think this is an advantage because sometimes the fabric can slip just enough to have a small pucker. Since it is at the end, all or any slippage has occurred and the fabric will be totally flat.

I did not get a photo, but I glued a Felt cutout copy of the design, reduced in size, and sewed it to the shirt. It actually is a 3D design - you can just see the shadow. I do love it!

In my last blog, I shared a tip about photography. Then I saw this advertisement from Canon. I hope you don't mind that I share some of my other interests. This one was particularly intriguing because of the 'built-in flash' photo.  (I rewrote some of the information only to make it easier to read.)

I love the camera on my phone, but I had purchased a 35mm a couple of years ago due to my love of photography. They are not inexpensive and I was feeling guilty for the purchase (buyers regret). But as I learn more about the 35mm, I am delighted that I am seeing when and where my more complex camera does work particularly well for me.

This tip is for indoor lighting since most outdoor lighting is in a natural setting.

One final note - In a blog from January of this year (2017), I purchased a pair of scissors from AnnTheGran. I promised to give you my honest opinion. Every time I use them, I know I have to tell you just how much I LOVE THEM!

I listened to the video and one thing that struck me was the "micro-serrated blade." It really does grab the fabric/thread (rather than pushing it away) to make a more accurate cut. It took me awhile to get used to that feature but now my cuts are much more accurate than before. I am so amazed!!! I can actually see and feel the difference.

It really does cut down on fraying of the cut fabric as well. Impressed?? You bet I am. (Did I mention that it cuts right to the end point?? It does, and so accurately!!)

With Mother's Day on the horizon, tell your family about them. You won't be sorry and they will be happy they don't have to figure out something to get you. Even a second pair of this duo would be terrific!!

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