The Avid Embroiderer Presents - Learning and Remembering What You Learned. And a Freebie for Thanksgiving

The Internet is full of promises, interesting facts, and more than its share of unreliable information. Did you want to look younger? Lose Weight? Get Rich Quick? It is all there and more.

You personally read (I hope you are a regular here at my blog) a blog knowing the information will be of help to you and the comradery of others with the same interests as you are pursuing. 

When I saw this article, it did catch my attention because it was a part of a subscription I already use and appreciate.

How To Remember 90% Of Everything You Learn

The development of the Learning Pyramid in the 1960’s — widely attributed to the NTL Institute in Bethel, Maine— outlined how humans learn.

As the NTL research shows, it turns out that humans remember:

5% of what they learn when they’ve learned from a lecture (i.e. university/college lectures).

10% of what they learn when they’ve learned from reading (i.e. books, articles).

20% of what they learn from audio-visual (i.e. apps, videos).

30% of what they learn when they see a demonstration.

50% of what they learn when engaged in a group discussion.

75% of what they learn when they practice by doing.

90% of what they learn when they 
teach and share with other like-minded people.

This pyramid, IMHO, is exactly the same understanding for embroidery. For instance, lectures such as a presentation at your embroidery machine's store, have limited value. If you take good notes, it might be more rewarding.

If you have ever read an article about embroidery, you may have found that the information was not necessarily clear to you. I try to write as if I were chatting with you over a cup of tea or coffee. The only issue is that you cannot ask questions in a blog unless you make comments in the Comments Section below. Since I get so few comments, (hint, just say "Hello" once in a while so I know you are here) perhaps my readers have no questions at all.

My personal favorite of this pyramid is the "Demonstration" section. When you go to the County Fair in your area, they demo so many things that are also, humbly, for sale. The demonstrator has a lot of experience so creating a nice presentation is not an issue. Making a rosette from a tomato has never worked for me despite parting with the funds for that great tool.

Let's get to the meat of the matter, 75% - practice by doing -

Learning by doing strikes at the basic memory process we use daily. Doing gives the opportunity to see if what was learned is right or wrong (that does happen). This ‘learning on the job’ does not work in some situations, but for embroidery as a craft, it works well. I know that I have to learn on some of my orders from the Internet, and that wastes a lot of time and resources. I need to know before I place something for sale on my site what the item entails.

How to get 90% retention - teaching and sharing with other like-minded embroiderers, crafters, idea creaters  -

Teaching and sharing with others is the best method of retention for most of us. When I taught adult learners about the Microsoft Programs, I know I learned more than the students did. The reason is that I did not want to look dumb in front of the pupils. I would study, review articles and read other trainer's info to get the best, most interesting and most valuable data I could present.


Sharing is a gift.

I still do the studying, reviewing, and reading before I write these blogs.

I hope you learn something from me each time you stop by. There are so many facets to embroidery and sharing that information is invaluable for everyone. Teach someone something interesting you learned today. You naturally learn every day, give it a try. You start this process by saying something like - "I learned the most intriguing thing today . . . "

Thanksgiving (for the USA readership) is on its way. I saw this turkey and could not help but share it with you. Next, they will be putting chocolate in or around the turkey. They may already have done that.


Bacon lovers will be crazy for this turkey!!


With Thanksgiving being a family and friends event, you likely have plenty of wonderful designs from which to choose. This Freebie is all fun.


Vegetarians Unite The Avid (1.2MB)


Thank you for joining me at this very busy time. I love our chats and hope you find them helpful as well. May you be blessed in ways you have not yet imagined.  


Comments (7) -

Susans Stitches 11/4/2017 3:04:59 PM

You may not think we are here, or even reading your articles, but we are. There are those of us who read the articles, print them, file and re-read later when we are looking for tips for a special project or concept. Thanks for all the good information. Your "Freebee" today reminded me of a friend. Think I'll put it on a tea towel for her.

I am so pleased to hear from you. I am grinning right now.

In the beginning of my blogs (In May 2008) I would get 30+ comments. So, as those numbers dwindled, I started to doubt my work. I, however, decided that I LOVE doing this blog, so it will be here for a while to come.

Debbie (SewBlessed) and I have discussed this many times. Getting a comment is so rewarding for us.

Pat, The Avid Embroiderer

Some of my blogs are off the subject of embroidery. I do wonder if that is OK with my readers. This blog is an example but I am a true believer that sharing is a gift - to both parties.

Thanks for your response.

Pat, The Avid Embroiderer

Susans Stitches 11/6/2017 6:39:27 PM

I downloaded the turkey pattern. In looking at the color stops, I didn't see one for the "bib" of the turkey below the head on the chest. Missing?... or my imagination?

Susans Stitches 11/8/2017 6:20:04 PM

Question. Is the Vegetarian Turkey supposed to have a lighter color on the chest under the head? The digitized image does not look like the image here. Missing a color stop?

Sorry I missed these comments.

There is actually no 'bib' on this design. I debated doing it as shown (3 colors to sort of look like 3D) or a single color that would be flatter. I chose the 3 colors because I was having so much fun digitizing. It is like any other hobby, sometimes we don't know enough to stop at the right point.

I did not mean to confuse you, but I am still learning digitizing and getting feedback such  as yours is invaluable.

Thanks for the turkey design-super cute. And I just want to tell you that I enjoy your writing, hints, tips. I do take classes, and take notes, but it never seems to click when I try to figure out what exactly the little note on the back of my class receipt really means. I have lots of little notes tucked away in a notebook, but will any of them make sense when it comes time to use? But it is fun to take classes, and play, and play some more.
Thanks again.

Jolan - It is so delightful to hear from you. I appreciate your compliments!!

I used to teach adult learners Microsoft applications like Word and Excel. One thing that I encouraged them to do was to take notes AND review them when they got home that night. While it is still fresh, it makes a big difference for your recollection and 'collection' of notes.

I advised them to 'translate' the notes into a word processor document. That is very important because you can do a search by computer rather than by hand in those scraps of paper. (You are already on a computer, do a copy and paste.)

In this case, grab the information from the blog that you want to keep and paste it into a document. There is a small BUT very useful program (free from a trusted source) to use like a clipboard. As you copy something, it keeps that information until you remove it. The copy can be really old but still be there.
I have used 'ditto' for perhaps 6 or 7 years without problems.

There you are, another 'hidden' tip.

Pat, The Avid Embroiderer

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