I'm Having a Party, and You're Invited!

Let's face it, gals, it's been far too long sinced I've rubbed elbows and shared stories with most of you. So, I've resolved this year to put myself back into circulation, at least a bit and, unlike most of my New Year's resolutions, this is one I intend to keep!

To celebrate the launch of my new web site in February, I've decided it's high time for some festivities! To that end, you are therefore cordially invited, on April 3rd and 4th, to join me and my gal pals here in sunny Orlando for the first annual AnnTheGran Community Circle.

We're still putting together all the details, but here are a few of the things you can expect:

  • classes, seminars, workshops and general learning opportunities with me (of course) and some of our favorite vendors whose stuff we sell on our site
  • a couple of scrumptious banquets hosted by none other than yours truly
  • goodie bags stuffed to the brim with all kinds of stuff from AnnTheGran.com
  • a great time!

Best of all, it's going to be cheap, cheap, cheap; hotel rooms, great eats, and tons of tips and techniques for less than you'd shell out in one post-holiday trip to the mall.

What I need from you to help me finish off the preparations is your answer to a couple questions. If you think you might like to come, please send your responses to the following e-mail address (don't worry, we're not going to put you on any lists or anything -- you don't even have to give your name -- this is strictly for me to give you the best possible event):

[email protected]

Here are the questions:

  1. If you came, would you want to bring your machine?
  2. If you came from outside the area, would you rather stay at the hotel for one night or two?
  3. In which type of classes/seminars would you be most interested?


So there you have it; come as you are, drag hubby, the kids or grandkids with you (it is Orlando, after all), bring your budgie if you have to, but mark that first week of April on your calendar and do whatever you have to do to join us. You will not be disappointed!

And please keep sending me your projects! If you don't know how, click here.

Hope to see you in Orlando in April!


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70 Free Training Lessons! By Eileen Roche

70 Free Training Lessons! By Eileen Roche

Really? 70 free training lessons on software?  Yep – it’s all on the Inspired by DIME YouTube channel.  You can learn about Inspirations software programs in the comfort of your home, in your pajamas, in the middle of the day or in the middle of the night.  And they’re free. Each video is about 60 minutes so that’s 4,200 minutes of education!   

Every month, our resident software wizard Katherine Artines uploads a new video that’s chockful of information and often includes a project (or two or three) for you to create in your software.  For instance, in this month’s video, PEP Text Trails Project, she explores text on a path, spiral text and circle text.  


You’ll learn how to go from this:

To this:

She includes references to other videos that delve deeper into specific subjects.  In this month’s video,  she included this call out:

That’s so helpful when you’re trying to understand the difference between backdrops and artwork.  She also includes keyboard shortcuts (my preference when digitizing) such as this:

If you’re serious about machine embroidery – and you must be or you wouldn’t be reading Software Saturday! – then you are probably contemplating purchasing software or you already have.  I want to encourage you to use it and not to be afraid of your software – it’s such a fantastic tool and help is just a click away!  Use it to learn it. Watch instructional videos to master it.  You’ll be so glad you did.  Click here to view the Inspired by DIME YouTube channel.  Subscribe today to receive notification when a new video is posted. You’re going to love learning with Katherine Artines.

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