New Dream Machine From Brother

June Mellinger


Hello! I am new to blogging, but there is no better time than now to jump online to tell you about the new machine that we at Brother have just introduced! If you haven’t already heard, our new top-of-the-line 'dream machine' was released a few weeks ago and it is truly a machine worth talking about.

The Quattro™ 6000D is named for 1-embroidery 2-sewing 3-quilting and 4-crafting. There are more than 100 new or improved features included that will blow your mind!  Including an Up-close ™ Viewer and sensor which we call InnovEye ™  Technology--we’ve never seen anything like it in the industry--it's like having a camera built into the machine so you get a bird’s eye view of the workspace. Since this feature is so new we are still discovering ways in which it is beneficial since there are a TON. From something as easy to assisting you in precisely lining up the needle to button hole of a fancy button to perfection in free-motion quilting, there is a benefit for everyone. The technology actually repositions the embroidery hoop, hands free, when a positioning sticker is placed on the fabric—never again will you have to waste time re-hooping or try to ‘guess’ where the center of the work area is. You really have to see it in action to believe that the machine repositions the design itself!


 Brother Quattro 6000D

The Quattro™ includes an HD LCD display from Sharp Corporation that is bigger and brighter than any other of our current displays-and has wide angle viewing which is perfect for showing others what's on the screen—and has built in tutorials-which are great ways to learn without leaving your machine. Plus there are a ton of other notable and time saving features that I can write about in more detail, but I just wanted to put this blog out there to see what other people are thinking and wondering. I saw that Ann posted a blog, in great detail, as a reaction to the Quattro™ which is great. We only hope that many others are just as excited. If you haven’t already seen the informative videos, go to and see it in action!

Happy Sewing!


Comments (42) -

I am wondering about all the bells and whistles for this machine.  I think the 'bird's eye view' of the workspace must be right out of science fiction!

The idea of being able to rehoop is unbelievable!    If I were designing a new machine, I don't know what I would add!


jalcumbrack 9/11/2008 1:18:53 PM

I have wanted it since the minute I laid eyes on it, it truly is my dream machine!  Excited isn't even the word for what I feel about this machine, I actually dreamed the other nite that someone had sent me one and they were at the door to set it up! I keep watching the video presentation of it, just wishing it were in my sewing room. Now that is having it bad! Someday, til then I can only see it from afar!


I agree with everyone that this is the dream machine.  I watched the video several times and just sit and think of the ways that I could use it.

Sorry to say dreaming is all that I can do.


The machine is ugly and I don't want it. The machine is ugly and I don't want it. The machine is ugly and I don't want it. Oh, darn, this isn't working! I love, love my Innov-is 4000D, but I'm dearly dreaming about getting her big sister into my sewing quarters.

I would love to have this machine!!  Unfortunately, it does not fit in my budget!!

Remember to keep your eye on the prize.  One never knows what the future can bring.

I am going to the store to buy a lottery ticket. . . .


Im so happy with my PE700- the only thing I need extra is another PE700 with a great big huge hoop like 10X16 then I would be in embroidery heaven- dont think I could ever afford the Quattro   alas   Doreen  Brit in TX

hookedonembroidery 9/11/2008 11:02:36 PM

Okay I fell in love with the Quattro! I must have watched EVERY video on that machine a million times! Our local store had the viewing last weekend and when the Brother Representative started talking I think I could have gone up there and talked myself I knew so much about it . The owners of the store were offering such a good deal that I could not pass it up. So sometime towards the end of October I should have that "bundle of joy" in my house. I haven't been this excited since I gave birth to my last child!   The "LABOR PAINS" for paying for it won't be too bad as I've been saving up for carpet for the house (sorry house) it can wait another year, as this is too good to pass up! The Brother Rep. told me it would be at least five years before they come out with another machine better than the Quattro. I guess this one was in the making for four years.  Oh... I watched them hoop the fabric sideways...then they put the little snowman sticker in the center so the design would come out centered on the fabric and thats what it did. I could hardly believe my eyes!!  You buy that lottery ticket Pat, after all someone has to win so it might as well be you!

Lynn, from Aloha OR                        

My husband bought me a Innovis 4000D and was I ever excited!  Only thing is I keep having problems with it.  To get it serviced, I have to drive a 172 mile trip.  I think my whole problem has been the repairman, but Brother has been really sorry about assisting me.  I have been so frustrated....I use to have dreams too, now I'm in a hopeless situation and told they can't do no more!!!!!

travelbug1237 9/12/2008 6:09:06 AM

HH June,

  Welcome as the newest blogger on AnntheGran site!!Smile You certainly have started with a GREAT topic!!!!!!....for gooness sake....what a surprise to see the newest Brother Quattro machine on Ann's site.

Does this mean we will be able to 'buy it' from her site?

Lynn, my Oregon friend...I am so HAPPY for you!!!

I'll at least get to SEE the new machine in person at your home....yeah for that!!! (You knowI have purposely stayed OUT of dealerships so I wouldn't be tempted!!!) I have made several calls though and am glad to know that there are some running 'specials' even though they could not tell me the price over the phone. I would need to fly out of state in order to get it for 30% off in 1 state....boy is THAT tempting!!! I'm just sooooo new @ MEing, I just can't justify it for now....or at least that is what I am thinking. ( I have built up my 'flyer miles on my credit card' because I have 'shopped till I dropped' since last April when I won the PE700...Hmmmm...

so many temptations out there....the Quattro is like a fabulous dessert yet I'm suppose to be reducing.....!!!!

June, I hope you will share more & once again...WELCOME!!!!

CinO in the middle of the night.


hookedonembroidery 9/12/2008 2:48:15 PM

Oh Cathy you know you will get to do more than see my new machine. I'll even let you "touch"  it!  Your welcome to use it anytime you want.


Where's your dealer, Lynn? I haven't fallen in love this hard and this fast since, well, I can't remember. Jr. High school maybe?

powderlyclark 9/13/2008 10:47:25 AM

I waited with great anticipation for the unveiling of this new "wonder."  A true "wonder" it is and I dream of all I can do with it...but like so many, I can't justify the cost.  Now if I could get a 50% off sale, that could work.  Right now I guess I will just dream and keep on using my ULT, that works beautifully...except for those awful jump stitches, I would love to get rid of.


Congradulations Lynn on your new machine. I too put my (fully refundable) deposit on one, but am having second, third, fourth, fifth thoughts about it. I want it, I don't, I want it, I don't .... Ok I want it.... but the cost....yikes!!!!!!!!...

I have until October to fully make up my mind....

I agree with you Ann.... it is ugle... it is ugly... it is ugly..... ok.... NOT!!!!

How can they do this to us????? Making us drool all over our fabric.... makes our MEing look terrible....LOL


What is the price?

i'M WITH kAREN what is the price? And where are they holding that great 30% off sale? I have never blogged before so don't know if i did things right.

This morning I got the newletter from my local dealer,  The machine is being marketed in the UK as the Brother Innov-is 1.

It is priced at £5495, converts to $1,085. They have invited me to the coffee morning on 30th of this month.

I don't have 5495 in pennies. I will go though, I am going to put salt in the sugar bowl. That should teach them!!!!


I am dreaming for that machine.  unfortunaly that 's all I can do DREAM!!!!!!

my maths!!! Thats $10,843.30, not as above.

$10,843.30 - that makes it really a dream.   I have only had my 4500D since November and I really love it and it looks like I will go on loving it...until they have at least a 50% off sale.  But now I have something to look forward to.  Thanks for the info.

barbie_45_us 9/13/2008 8:35:10 PM

yeh me too just dreaming that is .LOVE the machine , but the price. i thought 8000.00 for a quilting longarm machine was to to much for me to pay ,but  i did . think i'll keep dreaming  for a while longer. just stay with my deco 650.  as they it don't hurt to dream.

hookedonembroidery 9/13/2008 11:10:15 PM

Okay to answer deposit is NOT FULLY REFUNDABLE. If I change my mind I'm out the money! But I thought about it for a long time and watched every video on the Brother site a millon times so when I saw it in person and saw a small demo of what it did that's when I thought okay I'm going to buy it. I was already sold on it but really needed to see it in person and watch  them demo it because it was a lot of money and I have been really happy with my 4000D. I just wish I didn't have to use it as a trade in.

Karemw and 021441 the price is $8.999.00. I live in Oregon and we do not have sales tax here. I don't know what the tax is in other states but could add up.

Ann...I just sent you an email

Have a good evening everyone.....


hookedonembroidery 9/13/2008 11:19:46 PM

021341--- I'm so sorry, I forgot to answer one of your questions. You'll have to ask "Cathy" what State and what dealership was offering the 30% off. She told me and now I have forgotten. They would not give her a price over the phone....they just said it would be worth her while to fly there to buy it and they would ship it free. I don't understand why some dealerships will give you a price over the phone and others won't.



I live in WA and you don't have to use a trade in. You will get $3000.00 off of the price without one and $5000.00 off if you trade in  one of the higher end models. Like your 4000D. At least that is what I was told. So it is not a 30% off, at least not here. Maybe somewhere else it could be. ???

There could be different prices in different areas?

Hmmmm I wonder if I can trade my 2500D straight across? lolololol ok, I quit laughing now... it was a funny thought.


I love everything I've seen, I'm going to the intro in my area 30 Sep.  I'm wondering how much it will cost with a 4000D trade-in.  The only thing I wish it had was a stitch regulator!!!  The only reason I have a Bernina is the stitch regulator for quilting.  The only other reason I'm nervous about buying one is that I have a PR-600II and I've afraid as soon as I get the 6000D they'll come out with a bigger and better PR multi-needle machine.

Connie in Virginia

Or dealership has it here in Missouri.  You don't have to have a trade in, but of course it helps.  Also, to let everyone know, there are not too many available as yet.  Our first shipment into the dealership is not until November.  They could have ordered 10 or 20 but they are only going to receive 3-4 machines.  They had a proto type in the store for demonstrations, but it had to be returned after the Brother demo was over a few weeks back.  Brother has a "sale" and it is the 30% off but I also have the 4000D and will stick with that for a while, as the cost  is really too too much to spend,  it does perform a few new steps, not worth the extra cost, but again I have the Innovis 4000D and I am very happy with it.  For rymyers....I don't know where you are located, but if I were you, I would try and deal directly with Brother....sure glad the store/dealership I go to is not like that.  See if they will let you trade it in for another 4000D or see if you can get assistance from June who is with Brother. I know your tried Brother before but the squeeky wheel gets the grease.  I love my 4000D, you shouldn't be so frustrated with such a wonderful machine, and it wasn't cheap!  If it is the repairman/dealership, I am sure Brother does not want anyone like that out their representing thier wonderful products.

For APQS600...we also have a PR600 and Brother has come out wth a bigger machine but and a big BUT, it is very industrial and Very very loud.  You know how noisy the 600 is, well the new one is 3 times louder.  Unless you are a retailer and/or do a lot of business with your embroidery work, I would stick to the 600.  I think the larger machine had 10 or 12 colors that could be used.  Sorry, it has been a while since it was shown to us.  Enjoy your day!

hookedonembroidery 9/14/2008 3:08:31 PM

cme....where is WA do you live? My daughter lives in Lacy WA. Cathy contacted a dealer ship out east I believe and there the ones that are giving a 30% off. How much are they selling the Quattro for in WA? WOW....$3000.00 OFF with out a trade in! If our dealer ship offered that I would keep my 4000D. I'm getting $4000.00 for it as a trade in and that's what I paid for it three years ago. I don't have to trade it in but in order to keep the monthly payments down so I can breath I need to. I'm also putting $2000.00 down along with my trade in. I was saving up to put in new carpet in the house but that will have to wait another year. The carpet isn't that is just a very light color and hard to keep clean.

Connie in Virgina.... I don't want to sound stupid here since I've been sewing since I was knee high to a grasshopper but what is a stitch regulator? I'm really not into quilting, I've only made two quilts and they really stressed me out. I was told that the Quattro was also made for quilting. I would think they would have that feature on it. I also have the PR60011 and yes it is very LOUD. I also paid the $1500.00 upgrade for it so it is the same as the PR620 that just came out a while back. I have found that I don't use it very offten and wanted to trade it in on the Quattro but our dealer ship will NOT take it as a trade in. Wonder why??? They will only take the 4000D/4500D....2500D and the 1500D.

I would like to know what the Quattro is selling for in other States and outside the USA. I know it's being sold for $10,000 somewhere in Canada because I recived an email from a lady there and she said she might drive to NY and buy it from a dealer ship there. It might be interesting to see what the different prices are. I don't think there has ever been an Embroidery machine that has drawn so many comments and attention.


Hi Lynn

I am in Bremerton, WA. There is a dealer in Silverdale and Tacoma, so I can go to either one.

The local dealer came out with a flyer and it had a $3000.00 off notice and I asked one of the sales lady and she told me that is for people who do not have a trade in.

Here they are giving a $5000.00 trade in for the 4000D or the 4000, but if you have had your other machines (2500 or 1500) for longer than a year, they are taking 25% off the price you paid for it as a trade in.

If you put money down on the day it was demo'd they took off an additional $1000.00. The original price they quoted us was $11,999. With all of the "promo deals" the machine should cost me about $6900.00 or $7900.00. But I have to go back and get all the details before I do anything here. You know how they put up figures on the screen and keep talking and everyone ooohhhs and aaahhhhs then you forget where you are and what they said..... drat... I should have had a video

BTW what is the machine selling for where you are? And where is that?

I too have the PR600II. I did not get the upgrade because I was told by others that it was not worth it if you did not do a lot of sleeves and larger (higher) hats.

I like my PR. I use it a lot.

Yes, I saw the other 12 thread machine also. I did not like it at all. It runs on a compressor and it is very loud indeed. Much louder than our PR600II

I hope I am not intruding by answering your question to Connie in Virginia, but a stitch regulator is when you are doing free motion quilting and if you go slow while moving the material the machine sews slow, and if you go fast, the machine speeds up. This prevents you from having stitches too far apart or too close together. It wouild be a great feature, but I am thinking that Brother may add that at a later date, they said that there are already upgrades in the works.

I think I would do what you are doing and skip the carpet for now too. LOL Of course the machine will help make a beautiful blanket to throw down on the carpet and cover up any "spots" hahaha

Let me know when you get your machine too. I too wonder why only a few are coming out at a time? They will start coming out in October and continue untill all the orders are filled. (Is this a marketing ploy)

Well, I hope that about covers it.

OK, sorry Lynn, I forgot to read that you are in Oregon.  Looks like your machine starts about $3000.00 less there than it does here.. I wonder why?

CME thanks for answering the Stitch Regulator question.  I didn't know there was an upgrade for the

PR-600 II, where can I check it out!  My dealer is ok, but never lets me know when new things/upgrades come out.  I do a lot of ball caps and would like to do the bigger fronts.

APQS600 try the brother web sight, or just go to your dealer and ask about the upgrade for the PR600. They should be able to tell you what the upgrade is and how much it will cost.

The upgrade came out earlier this year, not sure when. I know you said your dealer does not tell you when the upgrades come out, but you should be able and go there and ask about it now that you know about it.

Hope this helps


hookedonembroidery 9/15/2008 3:01:53 PM

Hmm...I'm feeling a little sick over all of this right now. I guess Brother does not have a set price that their dealerships can sell these machines for. Sounds to me like everyone is stuck with what ever dealership they have available to them as to what they have to pay for this embroidery machine. Do other dealerships offer free lessons on machines you buy (from them) for the lifetime that you own the machine? My dealership does, so if one were to go to another State to buy this machine because they could save a few thousand dollars,which is a lot of money, they would not get free lessons on that machine. I know I will need lessons on this machine to be able to fully use it. The operation manual isn't always clear to me. I learn better doing the "hands on" method and taking notes. Okay if my dealership is selling this machine for $8,999.95, lets just call it $9,000.00, and they are going to give me $4,000.00 for my Inov-is 4000D (Limited Edition) they are selling this machine to me for $5,000.00. They are making a profit but we don't know how much because we don't know what wholesale price they have to pay Brother. Brother is making a profit selling to their dealerships so how much does this Dream Machine REALLY COST?? And what are they going to sell my trade in for??? I guess the next thing that is really bothering me is Brother is already working on a upgrade for this machine? Hmmmm, Brother is still making these machines to fill orders from all the dealerships so what are they holding back. Sounds to me like they are purposely holding back other features for this Dream Machine with the intention of makeing even more money. I feel like I have to draw the line on how much money I'm putting into a "hobby". This is going to be the last embroidery machine I will buy and I also think I will pass on all the upgrades. I put two upgrades in my 4000D and it costs me $199.99 for one and the second cost me $379.99 and I really don't know what I got for all that money. Some extra dec. stitches that I really didn't care for. And now the PE-Design 8 is out, I just bought the PE-Design 7 not too long ago. All I want to do is download my designs to a folder and transfer those designs to my machine so I'm done with those upgrades as well. If anyone out there thinks I should upgrade to the PE-Design 8 please "draw me a picture" and explain why. All this money is starting to take all the fun and enjoyment out of embroidering.

APQS600-the upgrade for the PR60011 cost $1500.00 and you can now use 2" letters on your baseball caps. But who knows what other dealerships are charging for it.

I still don't understand the purpose of the stitch regulator cme. Can't you just ajust your stitch lenght on your machine? I guess I don't understand why the stitch length would change if you sew slow or fast,seems like the stitch length would stay the same. Maybe this is why I'm not a quilter, haha.



I fully understand your frustration on the cost of the machines.  I am going to go my dealer and ask all these questions.

I have no use for the PR600 upgrade, so that is one I will not get.  I do baseball caps, but I tell my customers that i cannot do the large caps and give them the name of someone i think can. We trade customers. Good thing to do if you can find someone to do it with.

the stitch regulator.  If you lower your feed dogs and take a "sandwhich" of material, like a mini quilt, ( top layer, batting, bottom layer). As you hold the "sandwich" set your machine to sew a straight stitch. With the feed dogs down you can move the material around at will, not just forward and backward. So as it is stitching move the material around to make any design.  As you move the material you can see that it looks like the stitches are changing sizes (lengths) It really is not, it is just that you cannot (at first anyway) move the material evenly so the stitches are even. With a stitch regulator, when you slow down your material the machine will slow down its speed of stitching.

I was shown another way to do free motion stitching without a stitch regulator. If you set your machine to stitch fast and just move the material around, if you move too slow, it will not really matter, because if the stitches are too close most of the time it will not show.  If you move the material fast, then you get more even stitches.

Any way, I hope I have not confused you too much. As I read this, I am not sure.

If anyone can explain this concept in a clearer fashion, I would appreciate it.

I have not looked at the PE8, but I figure my PE 7 does everything I want it to do, so why upgrade? I have not seen what the PE 8 does yet, so I may be talking too soon here? 8^)

With my PE 7 I can digitize, upload design into my machine, do lettering, combine designs... etc etc.

As for the dealerships offering free lessons. here you can go to any of the same "chain" dealerships and get free lessons as long as you own the machine. I don;t know about other dealers. I think it would be a good thing to ask.

Please don't let this spoil your enjoyment of MEing. We all know that all companies are out to make money, we just have to know when to stop.

cme 8^)

hookedonembroidery 9/16/2008 11:55:02 AM


Thank you.. now I understand what the stitch regulator does. You explained it very well as I could picture it in my mind. Our free lessons are only where we bought the machine. I don't know what the PE-Design 8 has to offer either, I was just told I needed to upgrade to this one. Our dealership doesn't have them in yet. Your right on knowing when to stop. I just don't like to see people get taken for a ride. There just seems to be too big of a difference in the price of the Quattro. But on the other hand your dealership is offering a pretty good deal which brings the price way down. I guess it's all in the way they choose to market the machine.


I have seen the upgrade PE-Design 8 and there are just a vew things thar are different.  As soon as I find the my sewing room !..I will forward it onto this blog.  It is almost $400.00 and we don't think it is worth the extra money, right now at least, for this upgrade.

I share the concerns voiced by hookedonembroidery" I guess the next thing that is really bothering me is Brother is already working on a upgrade for this machine?"

I bought my PE700 about 2 years ago, and within months, it seems, the mark 2 came out with a USB port which I could really have used.

Although the Quattro looks like the dream machine, I wonder if it might have significant upgrades in the next years or so.

If I had the money this new machine, and Lord knows how I wish, I would hate to end up kicking myself again, as I did when I bought the PE700.

I looked on line for the features in the PE 8 and I hope this copies....

New: Print & Stitch Technology allows

you to create embroidery with a printed


• New: Divide Embroidery Designs by

thread color blocks, now you can easily

edit pre-digitized patterns

• New: Merge patterns. Multiple patterns

can now be individually created and then

merged into one

• New: Stippling Motif Stitch. Use

decorative motif stitches to create

customized stipple stitches

• New: Photo Stitch enhancements allow

you to customize any photo with full

color, gray, sepia or monochrome tones

This was a copy and paste from the web site.... i hope this helps anyone.

I don't see anything in this list that I can not live with.

My PE 7 does everything I want it to. But on theother hand if I get soooooo proficient in what i am doing perhaps an upgrade will be in the works.... we are talking a llllooooooong time from now... There are things in the PE 7 that I have not even played with.

We all have to realize that upgrades are a way of life for everything... look at computers... cars... dvd players.. anything electronic... we just have to know what our limits are and what we really want to do with what we have.

Happy stitches

cme  8^)

ohh I fotgot to mention... Lynn, you are right about the pricing... it seems the higher the price the better the deal, so in the end we are all getting it for about the same price... give or take a few "sense" lol

happy stitching

cme  8^)

I just got my new Quatro last week.  It's as wonderful as advertised...even better because it's in MY sewing room.  So far I've been reading the HUGE operation manual.  The instructions seem to be better written than previous manuals from Brother.  I've awed myself trying out the built in camera, positioning key, and the extra large hoop.  I'll be paying for it for years to come, but it is definitely worth every penny.

Hi -- Just wanted to share ... I paid $5200.00 for mine! Brand new, in the sealed boxes!  I negotiated a bit to get that.  Had to pay with cash or check and no classes --(not a problem as I had to buy it from a authorized dealer some 120 miles away!).   The dealer delivered it to me and actually took it downstairs to my sewing room!  I also was firm with WHAT I wanted to pay.   I found it very easy to learn and have done some beautiful embroidery.  I should say that my previous machine was the Memory Craft 8000 -- the first home embroidery machine! Good luck.

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