Embroidery on Rope

Check out one of the hottest trends in machine embroidery! I haven’t tried it yet, but this is on m [More]
The Avid Embroiderer Presents - Hope is not enough! Action is needed RIGHT NOW

The Avid Embroiderer Presents - Hope is not enough! Action is needed RIGHT NOW

Once again we are a country with unbridled hate and horror beyond imagination. 

A deranged child (18 years old does not make him an adult), with an automatic gun, ended the lives of many beautiful people. 

In place of my normal blog, I am repeating a blog from 2020, at the onset of the virus. The writer of the saying is Maya Angelou who is one of my favorite writers, speakers, and genteel woman in history. Her words have transcended time and humanity. 

If you missed this one in 2020, please download it and share it with someone you love. 

Contact your congressperson and demand that the automatic guns and heavily loaded magazines be removed from the hands of the public. Failure to act upon this issue is not an option. The NRA and gun owners have gotten away with this disaster long enough. All their arguments have not stopped a single death. 

I apologize for being too politically inclined but I am fed up with the nonsense some of these gun defenders spew. 

Stay safe & return for more Freebies and helpful tips. Thank you!
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