Scalloped Valentine Hearts

Ann's readers can share the love. Last week, Pat shared links to three great free valentine designs [More]

Memory Hearts - Valentine Special

Valentine's Day is less than a month away, so here is a project with heart! Memory Hearts can be created for any special occasion: births, baptisms, engagements, marriages. These were made for a baby girl and baby boy. Actually, I made two sets of each so that the grandmothers, both first ... [More]

Snowflakes for Sandy Hook

Like many of you, my heart ached for families affected by the massacre in Newtown, Connecticut. So, after reading Pattiann’s post about making snowflakes for Sandy Hook, I deciced to stitch up a few. They were being collected by the Connecticut PTA and forwarded to Sandy Hook elementary for cr... [More]

The Advanced Embroiderer’s Bucket List

Continuous embroidery   Since we love embroidery, we also love LOTS of embroidery!  Filling a border or quilt strip with continuous embroidery is number one on the advanced embroiderer’s bucket list.  There are several ways to attack connecting designs end to end but they all ... [More]

Cutwork Snowman Gift Bag

I've had the idea for this design since this time last year, so it's well overdue! The design is part of the Christmas Cutwork Collection by Dakota Collectibles. I added two variations on this design. Originally, the thread colors were shades of blue and plum, but I had a piece of... [More]

Clippie Fun - Zipper Charm designs

I love to make things from embroidery designs that were not created for the purpose I have in mind.  Hair clippies are so popular, I thought of Dakota Collectibles' Zipper Charm designs.      I used these designs: Turtle Flower Frog Owl Penguin Ladybug Heart ... [More]

Snowflake Window Ornament

Applique designs are so versatile. They can be used as a traditional applique on apparel or a quilt and they can also be used as a stand-alone piece, much like freestanding lace. The Window with Snowflakes ornament (XM1791) from the Merry Christmas Ornaments set by Dakota Collectibles features ... [More]

Baby Activity Book Project

Individual designs can be found here, as described below.  The complete set is now available, t [More]

Happy Haunting October Fest

Don't be afraid to change up the colors in your embroidery designs. Just because it shows up as an o [More]

Painted Embroidery

Like to color? Add a new dimension to traditional embroidery with fabric painting. I first read about fabric painting in an Anita Goodesign newsletter. The idea is to stitch an outline design and color it, giving it a watercolor appearance. They used Copic markers and a Copic blending tool wh... [More]

What is a Kaleidocycle?

The kaleidocycle designs are available now.  They are available in the design packs mentioned, and also individually.      A while ago, a friend sent me a link to a website that discussed an unusual geometric form.Created by a math student, the form is called a Kaleidocycle... [More]

The Intermediate Embroiderer’s Bucket List

The Intermediate Embroiderer’s Bucket List Last week, I posted the Embroiderer’s Bucket List for newbies. If you missed it, click here.   Many of you commented on the list – some of you have already checked off all 10 items while others promised to work through the l... [More]

Freestanding Organza Leaves

I am fortunate to live in an area where I am surrounded by autumn's brilliance this time of year. With some water-soluble stabilizer, an applique design, and organza in shades of red, orange, and gold, fall leaves can be enjoyed well beyond their typical lifespan. Using the same Amazing Design... [More]

Crafty Cupcake Coasters

Make an assortment of cupcake coasters to bring a smile to your guests.  You can select fabric to reflect your favorite flavors or your party theme.  Supplies Dakota Collectibles Crafty Cupcake design pack #970443 or purchase the single designs.  I have used these 4X4” des... [More]

Keeping It Simple - Embroidered Book Slings

Do your kids love to read?  Ours do, but keeping track of the library books can be a challenge.   And while our daughter was reorganizing their schoolroom area she wanted a reading nook and a place to keep those library books.  Here is what we came up with:   The original ... [More]

Keeping It Simple - Create A Fabric Background and Embroider Some JOY

Have you ever just had an idea that kept calling out to you?  This is one of those projects.  More than a year ago I found this pile of blocks in the clearance section of a local department store.  The packages had been broken open and a couple of the lettered blocks were missing.&nbs... [More]

What’s on Your Bucket List? by Eileen Roche

What’s on your embroidery bucket list?  Want to get the whole embroidery experience?  Then write an embroidery bucket list.  You’ll find if you write it down, you’re apt to tackle some of those easy-to-put-off complicated embroidery projects. And once you do, y... [More]
All posts tagged 'quilt'

Painted Embroidery

Like to color? Add a new dimension to traditional embroidery with fabric painting. I first read about fabric painting in an Anita Goodesign newsletter. The idea is to stitch an outline design and color it, giving it a watercolor appearance. They used Copic markers and a Copic blending tool wh... [More]

Decorative Crazy Patch Embroidery Stitches

Embroidery machines revolutionized hand stitching. What once took days or weeks to prepare now varies from minutes to hours. Embroidery designs aren't the only things you can stitch out. Some of the easiest embellishments are made with decorative stitches. Regardless of your embroidery mac... [More]

Thinking Out of the Block: Embroidering on Pieced Fabrics

Perhaps one of the greatest attributes of machine embroidery is its versatility. Embroidery can easily stand alone or, when combined with pieced blocks, become a personalized second-dimension embellishment.   The Blocks I fussy-cut four 6.25-inch blocks from a striped fabric (I used Jackie... [More]

Winners in the African Folklore Embroidery $500 Challenge

  The entries in this year African Folklore Embroidery $500 Challenge, were spectacular. Congratulations to first place winner, Roberta Peterson from Woodland, Washington. Roberta attended an African folklore Embroidery class that I taught at Monica’s quilt and bead shop in Palm Spri... [More]

Pucker-Free Quilt Squares

Because quilt fabric is usually lightweight, embroidered quilt squares are often puckered. To avoid puckers on your squares, fuse a piece of ShirtTailorÒ by PellonÒ to cover the entire back of your square. It will not be removed after embroidery. Rather, it adds body to the quilt squar... [More]

LaRueSews-Quilts-All Wrapped up

LaRueSews-All Wrapped up Writing this BLOG for Ann the has been one of the most rewarding experiences I’ve ever had.  It has taught me that I can expand myself and my knowledge far beyond the things I have done before.  I have learned that I am indeed a writer, if given a t... [More]

LaRueSews-Quilts--Major Project Finished!

Some of you may remember that I have been working on a complicated project.  I called it my "1,000 year project" when I began in 2003. Well, I am 993.5 years ahead of schedule. I finished it after having surgery on my hand in March.  Here it is:  Indigo Sunset. This time ... [More]


This Blog is a week later than it should be because I have been on the mend from a little surgery that I had three weeks ago.  I had a trigger finger on my right middle finger.  That is a very important finger for me because it is my “needle-pusher” finger when I am quilting.&n... [More]

LaRueSews-Quilts-Applique-My Favorite

Hi there, EveryBuddy.  This Blog is a milestone.  Ya know, sometimes when you count things, (anything noteworthy) the numbers that end in Zero are important.  That goes especially in Birthdays, like 20, 40, etc.  Some of ‘em, are BIG ones.  Well, my friends, this Blo... [More]

Exhibition of African Folklore Embroidery Art draws 20,000 people

I was so excited by the number and diversity of entries and the positive response from over 20,000 people that viewed the African Folklore Embroidery Exhibition at the Road to California Quilt Show. While the rules of African Folklore Embroidery are simple,  (‘Whatever color you choose to... [More]

LaRueSews-Quilts--Quilter, Quilter, Who Are You?

My quilt guild, called Memory Makers Guild was just a little over the top today.  The guild is a small group, but what it lacks in numbers, it makes up for in talent.  I’ve known most of these ladies for at least a year, and some of them, as much as three years.  We have grown c... [More]

LaRueSews-Quilts-Be Your Own Judge

This has been a busy month. We recently went to Nashville again to sign a contract on a Motor Home that we saw last month. It’s like new, though used, and really beautiful. We will get it the first week of December.   Also, my sewing machine has been back to the factory, or wherever dis... [More]

LaRueSews-Quilts-Beads are Fun Too, a 30 minute project

Hi there EveryBuddy.  Three weeks has come and gone, again. Blogging time is here.  I hope that all of you have been diligently making the last block I gave you in LaRueSews BOM.  This time it will be a quick one, both BLOG and block.  I have been out of town for a few days.&nb... [More]

LaRueSews-Quilts, Spuds in a Bag

It’s Chilly here in Alabama today.  That is to say, rainy 70 degrees feels cold compared with 90+ degrees.  This has been a frustrating day.  I have a little project that I wanted to talk about this time.  However, I’ve lost the special ruler I need for the project.&n... [More]

Using Up Those Embroidery Test Sews

I would have to call myself a fabric junkie. I love solid colored fabric and prints and buy it even when I have no earthly idea of what I will do with it. I have so much fabric that my daughters always come by and "shop" in my sewing room before making a trip to the fabric store.  And... [More]

A Challenge, A Surprise, and A Win

Yesterday was a day of fun and prizes for the members of the Memory Makers Quilt Guild.  At the first meeting in 2009, I gave the members of my guild a Challenge.  The Challenge was to make a quilt that fit all the requirement sets out in the rules of the challenge.  The challenge was... [More]

LaRueSews-Quilts,1/2-Square Triangles, Easy?

This blog could be considered as an Anniversary Blog, since it has been a year and seven days since I posted my very first Blog.  I didn’t think it would last this long.  But thanks to all of you and your faithfulness, I’m still here.  Also, I’d like to give a lot of... [More]

LaRueSews-Quilts-Binding Isn’t the End

The subject matter this time is probably one of the “testiest” that I have approached.  We are nearing the end of making a quilt from start to finish.  Adding the bind is the best part, right up to stitching down the binding on the back.  The photos I am using were ma... [More]

LaRueSews-Quilts- Quilting and ME Working Together

Yes, friends of Ann The Gran, Quilting and Machine Embroidery are great partners.  They can be used in ways other than making a quilt with machine embroidered blocks.  The two following photos are the first of a number of photos what will appear on LaRueSews-Quilts in the not too distant f... [More]

LaRueSews-Quilts-Batting, Which One Will I Choose?

We are nearing the time when you will be getting your quilt ready to quilt.  That means that you have to make some choices about batting. First of all, just what is batting.  Batting is the middle layer of the quilt that provides warmth and comfort that we all know as a quilt.  In wa... [More]

LaRueSews-Quilt-By Request, My Woodworker

I am taking a little turn in the road this time.  Before Greg left AnnTheGran, he requested that I write a blog about Ralph and his woodworking skills.  After attending the ATG Community Circle, and meeting Pat Snyder, she also requested the subject.  My daughter, has asked me also to... [More]

LaRueSews-Quilts-Hand quilting, It’s Personal!

If you have worked along with me, you will soon need to decide if you will quilt by hand or by machine.  I have a friend who began quilting a little more than a year ago.  As we talked, one day, I asked how she planned to do her quilting.  She quickly said, “by machine.”&n... [More]

LaRueSews-Quilts - Borders, Square, Miters, and Fabrics

On this sunny, beautiful,  but cold day in Alabama, here’s wishing you a March that goes out like a Lamb.  Since much of the USA saw a snowy and cold first day of March, It must have come in like a Lion, so it should go out like a Lamb.  To all of you in the southern hemisphere,... [More]

LaRueSews-Quilts-Square it up!

OK, Everybody, If you have followed this blog from the beginning, and have been making quilt block as we go, you should now have enough block to make into a quilt. “How do I do that?” someone says.  Well, that’s the purpose of this blog.  Let’s put those little bugg... [More]

LaRueSews-Quilting-Straighten Up!

In beginning this blog, I realized that I need to back track and talk about something I left out some time ago. You really need to straighten the fabric before you begin any project.  That doesn’t include quilting alone.  It includes any kind of sewing.  Because of the nature of... [More]

LaRueSews-Quilts-I'm Baaaaak!

I hope everyone had a really great Christmas/Chanukah/holiday season.  As well the happiest New Year since January 1, 2008. ;o) Before I began this blog, I checked with the folks at AnnTheGran to be sure you all want me to continue with my ramblings.  Since this is the first time for me in... [More]

LaRueSews - Have Quilter, Will Travel

Since Christmas is just right around the corner, there’s really not time to go into a quilting lesson.  I’m taking the month of December off from blogging.  But I shall return in January to give you new insights on the subject of quilts.Let’s take a trip.  We quilter... [More]