The One Thing You Need to Do Every January

The One Thing You Need to Do Every January

January is typically a time of reflection. I have found that this task is essential to successful creating.

After the marathon season of making, January is typically a good time to wind down and regroup. The one task I really need to do before anything else? Get organized.

It may seem a simple goal but there can be quite a bit of work involved, especially if you don’t clean up after every project. It is also a great time to take inventory of your supplies. Besides, it’s easy to jump on a sale if you already know what it is that you need.

Bottom line, if my sewing room is cluttered and things are not where they belong or I am out of stabilizers or thread, it really makes what should be fun (machine embroidery) an actual chore.

Here are some useful ways to keep your sewing and embroidery room tidy:


Put away loose spools and write down any thread colors that you need. Sometimes, buying a thread set is less expensive than buying individual spools.

Organize thread by color, manufacturer, or type. Be sure to keep thread out of direct sunlight and away from dust.


Organize fabric by manufacturer or by color/season. Store out of the sun and label storage bins or boxes so that you don’t have to sort through several boxes to find what you are looking for.

If you keep fabric on shelves folding it and stacking or wrapping it on heavy cardboard or foam core help to keep it tidy and easy to see.

Embroidery Designs

Organizing your digital files are just as important, if not more so, than organizing your supplies. A software program like Embrilliance Thumbnailer makes organizing embroidery designs so much easier since it shows you what the design looks like without having to open the file. Plus you can return it with 90 days if you don’t like it.


Different stabilizers are required according to the project and some can not be substituted. If you are stitching freestanding lace and don’t have water-soluble stabilizer, you can’t stitch FSL.

Be sure to store stabilizers properly out of heat and light. For water-solubles, store them in plastic bags or totes to keep out dampness.

Label rolls so that you don’t confuse water-soluble with no-show mesh. (Been there, done that!)


Embroidery needles should be replaced often to assure proper stitches so be sure you have enough on hand.

Having your essentials organized and at the ready mean that you can accomplish something beautiful when you sit down to stitch!

Debbie SewBlest

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