What Do You Wish You Had Known Before Buying an Embroidery Machine?

Hindsight is always 20/20. I recently read this thread and thought the information was not only useful, but also quite interesting, especially if you are just getting interested in machine embroidery.

The question was, “What is the one thing that you wish you had known before you bought your embroidery machine?” I grouped the answers into eight basic categories. Some of the answers may surprise you.

Buy a Bigger Hoop – 18%

A majority of those who responded said they would have purchased a machine with a bigger hoop capacity. Hoop size dictates the embroidery design size that you can stitch. Bigger is better.

Organize Embroidery Designs as You Get Them – 17.5%

A close second, is organizing your embroidery designs. Get a system going right from the start. It takes a lot of work to find designs scattered all over your computer or multiple jump drives. 

Time Investment/Learning Curve – 17.2%

At nearly a tie for second place, is the amount of time that it takes to learn this craft. Unlike sewing, machine embroidery also involves learning the right combination of stabilizers, working with your computer, getting the designs to your machine, user classes, and design positioning

Expense of Extras – 14.7%
The machine is only the beginning. What many beginners may not realize is that the cost of thread, needles, stabilizers, and designs adds up in a hurry. Ann's Club can help!

Buy a Better Machine – 12.7%

This goes along with buying a bigger hoop. Basically, buy the biggest machine you can afford.

Addiction – 9.7%

If you love this hobby, and most of you do, machine embroidery will likely become addictive (and not in a bad way). Studies have shown sewing/embroidery is relaxing and can lead to medical benefits such as lower blood pressure, a steady heart rate, and lower stress levels.

Needing a Housekeeper – 7.8%

Because of the amount of time you will spend embroidering, housework will suffer. So sad.

Not Enjoying Embroidery – 2.5%

Even more sad, is that a very small amount of respondents wished that they had known that they would not enjoy machine embroidery.

A few said that they were happy that nobody told them anything. Had they known that machine embroidery would take so much time and money, they probably wouldn't have bought a machine.

What do you wish that you had known before buying your embroidery machine?

Debbie SewBlest

Comments (2) -

These are all very good tips! One doesn't realize the details, of ANY, craft until you have already dug into the investments.
A lot of the sewing things you already own won't work well in embroidery. You need specific needles because of the rapid speed of your machine and the need to protect the thread and fabric from issues. Threads are likewise generally unusable. You will be needing some special scissors as well.

Just one tip before you spend $1, looking at all the pretties done in a store will dazzle most people. (They use specific designs with lots of colors, and the correct fabric for the stitch density, and they do this every day for a long time.)

The second part of this tip is: Bring a friend & have a signal for leaving the store. If you are in love with a machine, you can always come back in a few minutes, days, or weeks. Upon your return, have a game plan for the pricing. Don't pay the first price they give you. Don't ask for 50% off, you will want to return with questions and training. They can't stay open if they give the store away.

It is more advantageous to get money shaved off the price than to get lots of the small things you will need. You can almost always pay for a $10 item, but getting $10 off the original price will save interest.

Thank you Debbie for this very informative blog.
Pat, The Avid Embroiderer

Thanks, Pat!

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