Winter Door Sock Project

Dear Readers,

Create this Winter Door Sock for your door this winter. See below for project instructions on how to make this project.

Polyester Fiberfill
Sewing Machine
Matching Fabric Thread
Hand Needles
Cutaway Backing

Fabric* *Fabric size: 1 piece - 36 ½” wide x high enough to hoop (must be at least 5 ½” high, this will be the top embroidered piece) 1 piece - sized 36 ½” wide x 5 ½” wide (this will be the back piece)

Step 1:
Measure the top piece of fabric 36
½” wide x 5 ½” high, marking the center point. (Do not cut yet.) Draw a straight line from one side of the fabric to the other so that you can easily line up each individual design when embroidering. Make sure there is 2 ¾” of fabric both
above and below the line.

Step 2:
Hoop the fabric with one piece of cutaway backing and embroider the center design first. In the image below we are embroidering the Door Sock Bear Scene Large – CD110712TC.

Step 3:
Remove the fabric from the hoop.
Select a design to place next and
check the size. Now mark the
center point on the line of where
you would like the next design to
be placed.

Step 4:
Embroider the design then repeat Step 3 & 4 until all designs have been embroidered.

Step 5:
Remove the fabric from the hoop and gently cut away all excess backing.

Step 6:
Now you can measure and mark the fabric piece so it is 36 ½” wide x 5 ½” high.

Step 7:
Cut away the excess fabric.

Step 8:
Now you should have the top embroidered piece of fabric and the back piece of fabric, both the same size.

Step 9:
Place right side of both fabrics pieces together. Sew a ¼” hem along the 2 long sides and one short side together, leaving one side open.

Step 10:
Cut the corners at an angle after you have your hem for the finished sides. This will help form the corners better.

Step 11:
Turn right side out.

Step 12:
Stuff the polyester fiberfill inside the door sock.

Step 13:
Once you have the sock stuffed, pin the open end closed and hand stitch closed.

Finished Winter Scene Door Sock!

Click Here To See The Full Winter Scene Door Sock Designs Pack

Thanks for Reading!

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