How to Work in a Paperless World

Did you ever wonder what it would be like to actually see the top of your desk through all those bills, notes, orders ...... and the list goes on.  I know that feeling of "where did I just put that!"  I know it's within arms reach because it was just in my hand and I haven't moved!

Hello, I am Scott Phillips and welcome to my corner.

We took our company paperless in 2003.  It was one of the best business decisions I have made.  It has made my job of managing paperwork and running my business  so, much easier.  The end result is a more productive atmosphere.

You will find yourself creating new ways to utilize the system for Order Taking, Inventory, Production, Accounting, Taxes, Bills and the list goes on.

And best of all there will be more time for other projects, family, friends, etc.

My first personal experience gave me a glimpse of how much stress this new system relieves. This became evident one day when the bank called and said they were missing last month's payment for a loan our company had with them and that it was now showing past due.  (I knew this payment was made because I took it to the bank myself. ) I told the person on the phone that I made that payment!   She told me that their computer systems show that the payment has not been received and is now past due with a $45 dollar late fee needed in addition to the normal installment.   She asked me if I had my receipt for the payment that I was claiming to have made.  The magic words "Where is your Receipt?"!!

I don't know about you, but in the past I would have had my receipt, You Bet!   I know I have it .....  Now where is it?  The search would begin....  Did I put it where I was supposed to?  Or maybe I got sidetracked (we all know how that happens) and didn't get it there.  Is it in the car, my office, home, the fridge.... LOL.

That wasn't going to happen today!  While I still had her on the phone I accessed the files on my computer and found my image of the receipt.  I asked the person on the phone if they have access to email, she said yes.  I got her email address and emailed a copy of our receipt straight from my computer to hers while she was still on the phone.  The problem was solved and they found it was a mistake on her side.

This was the first moment I realized how much benefit this paperless system has.   Some of us are very organized and sure you may say that I would know right where it is.  Sure, that maybe true, but now you have to add that extra to do item, to your already long list of things to do and most important, not to forget to do it.

I realized how many times in the past the accountant called asking for this or that.  Today I say sure and can even send documents from my PDA.

This example is only the tip of the Iceberg.

Getting started can be the biggest leap for all of us.  "Where do I START"!?!?!?!?

The biggest hurdle in going paperless is the transition from where you are now to where you want to be.

There is always a learning curve with software and the new process.  You will need to gather all the past documentation and paperwork that will become part of your paperless life.

The most effort will be spent getting past information into the system, but believe me, the first time you are asked to pull a receipt or bill from 3 years ago and you have it at your fingertips you will feel the stress free experience of having a paperless life.

First thing needed to do any project, paint a car, make a chair, take your life paperless, are the correct tools!   Join me on Friday November 20th at 4pm EST to learn how you can also work in a paperless world.   I look forward to seeing you all there and thank you for joining me for today's experience in Scotts Corner.

Reserve your seat  (


Comments (2) -

thecomputerist 11/14/2009 1:51:01 PM

As I sit here, I cannot see any of my desktop.  I had a supervisor once whose desk was 3 feet higher than the top.  If you put something on his desk, you may just watch it fall to the floor!

I cannot wait for that seminar.

Best wishes to you and yours, Pat

I do believe there are many benefits to going paperless, but when I'm looking for something and my computer dies for whatever reason, all I can think is "I wish I had my old style file cabinet with real folders and paper!

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